
@lowtolerance: Google recently increased the return/refund period to 48 hours.

Oh well.

@Michael McElrath: ...because you dragged up an old story in an attempt to sound clever, when in fact all you did was sound naive.


@Michael McElrath: Yeah, because not changing your privacy settings to protect you from this sort of thing is someone else's fault. Oh wait.

@fury161: Why are you even remotely upset? If people haven't made the effort to change their settings and make the data private, it's their own fault.

@stre: True, there are likely simpler kits out there designed to be discrete, but you'd be hard-pressed to beat this for style.

Shouldn't this be made of some sort of plastic? I mean, the only realistic, practical use of this is for a person who wants to shoot people to take it onto a plane, reassemble it and use it. But it's metal.

@ttk2: And it seems the literal internet is real. I'm not so stupid as to think that just any cpu will fit in any motherboard, nor do I genuinely think that you could assemble a modern server out of half of these processors(or even get working memory for them) these days.

One step closer to proper spaceships. That is, those that can shoot (l/ph)asers at each other.

His government should go to this guy and offer him money to put his collection to use and back up every major Russian site on servers using his chips. I'm sure he's enough there to do the job.

@Fiendish Dr. Wu: If you're trying to insult me, at least make it obvious.

Treasure? Bollocks.

@kingcrim84: And what if 3 of them were attacked or somehow captured? I realise it's highly-unlikely that any system they devised would truly be secure and immune to everything, but only having 7 people on earth with the card and needing most of them to authenticate just sounds like a bad idea.

If they adopted Android, I'd consider buying their hardware again. But it'd have to be a very good phone, given how good HTC's phones are.

Aside from the fact that 5 of 7 is too high a number, having to gather somewhere physically is ridiculous.

@DoubtedBeef: PIN, not PIN number. Personal Identification Number number makes no sense.