
@Pascal Leclaire's Wager: Fair enough. My main regret in buying a lower-end device would be that it wouldn't necessarily be able to handle future software updates so elegantly. But of course I take the point about saving several hundred dollars.

@Standish: Funny boy. I meant for freaks that set others up for jail time and then screw it up. It would've been funny if she'd actually got away with it. But then there'd be no story, sadly.

They should really bring out the electric chair for moments like these.

@Pascal Leclaire's Wager: Actually, no. A HUUUUUGE Google fanboy. I despise the iPhone and anything to do with it.

@junior ghoul: As far as I understand it, they still have a fiduciary responsibility to increase their share price. Though me being wrong has been known to happen.

@junior ghoul: I am serious. And the idea of having my own little country or island complete with people whom I can repress has always been awesome to me. Democracy is overrated, at least if I'm in charge anyway.

@cbytes: When you've a legal responsibility to make your share holders as much cash as possible AND you want to destroy Facebook, yes they are.

@junior ghoul: I simply do not like people, nor do I have sympathy for them. There's no sadness(and I am capable of emotion, it just doesn't happen in extreme bursts on a regular basis) about it for me. I simply see others as an annoyance, tolerable(for the most part) or to be exploited for my own gain.

@uttc16: Voice activation would be even better. 'Tea, earl grey, hot'. Umm, I mean 'hot water'.

Not necessary, but damn it looks good.

@junior ghoul: Dear boy, I expect nothing from my fellow human beings. If I died tomorrow would anyone(outside of my small circle of friends and some family members) truly care? Absolutely not. People don't really care about each other in the grand scheme of things, they merely pretend to appear sympathetic to the

@Pascal Leclaire's Wager: If you're happy with a mediocre Android-based smart phone I guess, then it is a deal.

@junior ghoul: If you can call being amused greatly 'PLEASURE', then sure.

@p8ball4life: That wouldn't happen. Blizzard have backups of their backups and if all else failed, could create you a new character of the correct level and allow you to customise things like trade skills.

@junior ghoul: There's no need to disapprove just because I have zero self-confidence issues. I've every right to be pleased with myself.

This amuses me on so many levels. I love it when others suffer :)

*Wonders how well it would work if the paint pellets were replaced with bullets*

@vinod1978: Gingerbread(due November or around then) will fix that.

@Mex: Your English is fine and I bet it's way better than my non-existent vocabulary of your native language.