
Many did not simply "refuse". In the days leading up to the storm, it was increasingly hard to move as the evacuation centers were already full. This is a country and a region that sees 20+ typhoons annually, and many probably thought they could ride it out (afterall, no one had ever seen anything like this before).

There's a lot of inherent naïvety in this response, most of all punctuated by the misguided libertarian/conservative mindset that anybody can make it just as long as they pull themselves up their bootstraps and really strive to be exceptional- and really let down by the refusal to acknowledge that people are treated

Lucky you. The amount of women that speak out about the harassment they receive somehow pales in comparison to your shining approval of the industry in general. Good thing you're here to invalidate personal experiences because they don't match up with yours.

How fantastic for you, perhaps that should invalidate her experience and thoughts because it's different from yours.

The stuff Isabelle can do for you is strictly to clear off if they are wearing an offensive or inappropriate design on their shirt, or have offensive or inappropriate greetings and catch phrases. As well as if they are holding onto bad mails.