
All I can say to this is that this “discussion” regularly makes me want to smash the heads of Jezebel commenters on concrete. I’m not a violent person but the bullshit that privileged white middle class Americans like to spout when it comes to this topic without any information ins unbelievable. Somebody once told

That is kind of the general problem with Jezebl, online media, celebrity culture etc. There are some great people who occasionally have great things to say and can serve as a multiplicator in public to steer society toward a more progressive culture.

I’ve long find it interesting that mental illness in all those cases (not equating mental illness in general with this) manifests itself in projecting your obsessions and hatred against groups already oppressed by society. Misogyny, racism, classism....those lunatics ranting about immigrants etc. They never pick, say,

I’m not a native speaker but something irks me about “feminine rights”. Is it just me or does it not work for starters because women’s rights are the rights women while “femininity” describes a concept of apppearance and behavior standards?

Nope. The main reason Mimi Rogers introduced him to Scientology was because she hoped it would help curb his cheating.

Now playing

Oh thank you, I wasn’t familiar with that short story though I long meant to read some of her work.

Those other means mentioned upthread? Try those.

I’m really a fan of branching out tv show locations. I’ve been watching a horrible Canadian show that is so hard to watch because even though it is set in and financed and shot in Canada they try to not let anyone know. Because apparently American audiences would riot if something wasn’t set in the US. I’m watching

It’s very confusing to me that Americans don’t seem to use other means as much. Since Europeans are often geoblocked from conventional watching we use other means quite normally.

As a German who is walking past memorials engraved with the name, date of birth and date/place and reason of death situated at the last place these people lived before they were persecuted,tortured and murdered every single day I have nothing but rage for these idiots. I wish I could grab them and make them walk

Yeah, but I don’t get it. It’s not like there is a fucking shortage of people, animals, plants, projects in the world that need saving. It’s more that these women ARE the narcissists. If you actually you know, help out our lonely neighbor, the working poor mom next door or the homeless man on the street you don’t seem

I’m not exactly sure but I’m pretty sure this a joke mimicking their behavior, right?

If there is something that I have learned in my years on this planet it is this:

Thanks, that is really interesting regarding the language. I was editing a non-fiction book dealing with African migrants to Europe and the horrors they suffer on their journey. Similarly to “Mommy Daddy Business” it was impossible to get the African interviewees to find the words to describe sexual violence and

It’s very important how we phrase these conversations. When we fail to mention these circumstances - that the women participate in their own oppression because they have no other option in a system that victimizes them and the reasons why they do - we do them a disservice.

Yes, of course. There is no hope for people who fall for “but there is not enough for everyone, if we lived in an equal society we would all be miserable so we have to let the majority of people suffer for some to be better than others.”

It also rings untrue because if that were true we’d have great living circumstances for every human being in the Western industrialized world. We don’t. Thousands of people are in horrible pain and die each year from treatable illnesses or complications simply because they can’t afford treatment. IN THE USA.

Yes, blaming the women like that is not really a valid option. They are powerless. They do this because this often gives them the only bit of power and status they can have in that society and because they think it is the only way for the girls to survive since they are dependent on a man to marry them and they won’t

That is exactly what I thought. They already modeled those characters and that plot though. They had the two famous country stars marry and divorce plot down to Rayna winning ALL the awards Miranda Lambert style.

My friend is a language teacher and one of her Russian students told her “I’m not tolerant of anyone or anything. I’m Russian!”