
What I almost find worse than this: whenever Jezebel has made me go on the social media presence of people like these seeing these the most obvious paid for shilling products posts are followed by the most insanely dumb “fans”. I mean, you already need to be especially stupid to follow any of these people and “admire”

Last Christmas I watched National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation for the first time because everyone always talks about it. Same thing. It wasn’t funny, it was bad and with several racist/misogynist “jokes” that apparently were super ok back then. The amount of those things that was completely acceptable just a few

Ok, so is this different in the US than in Europe, help me out here. Not quite sure what kind of a “machinist” he is but he must earn a shitload of money if he can provide for a family of five that they want to expand. They do want their children to attend college, right? Ist that really still possible? Can you

It’s also so weird. So all kind of misogynist, racist trolls can post here and it is very, very hard to get rid of them and then others get banned like that?

What was “The Post”?

Because she wasn’t a rich white man.

What I find important to know is that she isn’t one of the pampered Hollywood Scientologists who don’t know what is going on. She was raised in it coming from a non-wealthy family. She knows about the slave labor history, she was exploited by them.

Thank you. Knew a woman who had an unplanned pregnancy while not in a stage to build the happy home she wanted to have. Two years later she had the baby she had wanted while married to a nice doctor in a nice house. Had she gotten that baby with that guy....her life would have taken a very different, very sad

Fun fact: did you know that saying “Bless You” respectively “Gesundheit” (health!) after someone sneezes is a remainder of the Plague? People sneezing might have shown symptoms so people wished them luck.

That makes me really happy a friend of mine just told me watched all seasons of Gilmore Girls on his own and thought it was awesome. (But he’s a feminist...)

Which makes the argument of people excusing Kylie because she’s “only 17” go poof up in the air.

My mom passed away when I was a kid. Ensue years of hair torture of a clueless father who absolutely didn’t know what to do with me and my hairr. I remember painful mornings of him doing things to my hair and only later found out that you could actually wash your hair without the pain of shampoo in your eyes.

Last year I did an internship at a leftist publishing house. I was editing with a very young - barely 20ish - author who was working on a book about the migrants/refugee situation for them containing the stories of several people. While he treated the stories of how male migrants were tortured with great care, the

Universalist Unitarians! Quakers!

That’s kind of the thing with Western people who never inform themselves. Buddhism - like any other religion - has some pretty big problems with misogyny as well. But none of the Westerners looking for something has ever bothered to look into the actual region. They just superficially pick and choose the nice parts

Well, they also incarcerated a young boy without trial for three years for stealing a backpack.

Money in Californian divorce laws.

One of my greatest disappointments was eating Hot Dogs in the US, what I assumed was the motherland of Hot Dogs. They were disgusting and nobody knew the ingredients for a proper Hot Dog. Turns out a proper Hot Dog is Danish.

Now, if he could only give a shit about, say, Jennicet Gutierrez and not a privileged to the max rich person.

Considering her childhood, it is disturbing that people like her end up in bed with the people responsible for that shit instead of trying to actively fight it.