God, I spent so many hours as a teenager, lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling with Fiona Apple blasting. Love her.
God, I spent so many hours as a teenager, lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling with Fiona Apple blasting. Love her.
::Scene - a generic courtroom::
Tommy Mottola is 67 years old, yet he liberally uses multiple exclamation points as if he were a 13 year old on a sugar-high.
My family and I just drove through Punxsawtawney today coming back from a weekend trip (we actually went out of our way to do it). My poor kids had to listen to my wife and I quoting Phil and Rita from Groundhog Day for about 2 hours straight(Its one of our favorite movies)
“I’m blocking you because I have good boundaries and I respect myself.”
Best of all, in case anyone doesn’t know, is that it’s a Bruce Springsteen song! Diversity Rules! This is why we have it! Mary J Blige does a killer a cappella version of a Bruce Springsteen song for the first major female Presidential candidate! This is why America doesn’t need to be made “Great” again. Because…
Honestly, I don’t know. I struggle hard with things like this and I don’t have an answer. Gandhi was a shithole wife abuser. MLK Jr. cheated on his wife multiple times. Jefferson raped slaves and talked about how great the institution was for making money. So-called “great men” cannot keep their fucking dicks in their…
YOU GUYS! Barely doing your work is making me really sad. There will be such a void in my life if you go away. I’ve been barely doing my work for weeks, though, and I don’t even have a good excuse. Maybe this is a sign. I should get back to work.
Holy shitsnacks is that them? That’s not a photo shoot from the Onion? Is that really them?
From the NY Daily News
I'd be OK with guillotine............. Just say'in:/
i’m a pacifist but i felt some legit french revolution stirrings upon viewing the instagram account of this modern-day dandy.
Please let that hairstyle come back into vogue. Pleeeeaaase. I would have to change nothing. Nothing. And yet my children would suddenly be willing to be seen with me in public.
dear god I have the same hair style...
She could have used a comb, but she was much prettier than all these contestants. She looked like an actual human.
One of the leading causes (arguably THE leading cause) of death in pregnant women is murder. For horrifyingly obvious reasons.
Leslie Van Houten’s case puts the lie to any objectivity in the American justice system. She is in prison only because she is infamously associated with Charles Manson and the Manson Family killings. Reading her history objectively, she should have been released decades ago. Any other inmate (and thousands who have…
I’m fine with her being denied parole—what would she do in the real world anyway? But for everyone saying “19 is old enough to know not to kill someone” should go read about the Stanford Prison experiment or even just go read Heart of Darkness. Many (if not all) people are capable of this kind of evil given the right…
I myself always wondered how high the Manson family members were during their serfdom or whatever you want to call it. I remember reading that acid—lots of it—was part & parcel of the “family life.” Manson was a cheap manipulator, he’d use on these poor runaway teens salesmanship psychology he’d cribbed from Dale…
“I was just a quiet girlfriend who got beat on and told to sit down and shut up.” This is followed by an uncomfortable silence. “My part has no value to, probably, what they really want to talk about,”