
In the last couple of days I’ve read of several relationships of famous men with extremely young women and it is so completely normatized. Before clicking on this the internet sent me down a rabbit hole that ended on a “rock star” instagram accoung which had several pictures of him and his buddies hanging out. I

Why did you buy it though? I learned early on that there was no use in “begging” as a child and it makes me wonder about the parents who let their own children terrorize them. It would also be your responsibility to calculate how much the pet is going to cost you financially in the long run.

Yes, while Guinea Pigs are a pet in affluent Western communities, they are domestic livestock and - food - in poor regions of South America (where they are from).

To me a lot of it has to do with Jezebel switching its target audience. Jezebel used to be about pop culture from a feminist angle and made first a gradual and then pretty abrupt switch to “celebrity news” until most of their old readership went away and was substituted by people who love this shit up. The former

You are underestimating them. I sometimes read the online forums that they get indoctrinated on and there are threads going on and on how awful it is to live in the Western world and having to leave the house without a male owner. They try to minimize leaving the house and yearn for finally living somewhere where they

Are you German? I am. TheDrDonna is right.

She is one of those people others like to hate on. It’s weird because some of the things people came to believe about her were the opposite of what happened and nobody ever questioned that, e.g. if you read up on her it gets pretty clear that she ended her first marrriage because her husband was an alcoholic who

If you read the actual interview she talks about being bedridden to the point of not being able to talk and fear of not being able to breathe and a constant pattern of getting better for a little bit to be hit back worse.

I kind of don’t understand the Jezebel rules for “putting somebody on the hatelist” and you can be damn sure that person writing this up was told specifically to hate on Avril because it is so illogical. There are people who truly deserve disdain - say noted misogynist Snoop Dogg and R. Kelly - who are/were

I don’t really get where it comes from. Sure, she has done and said some stupid things and because of that doesn’t come across as the most likable person but there are a lot of people that don’t have to be liked (Madonna never had a reputation as America’s Sweetheart either) and than there are people who have done and

Copy and pasted from above:

I thought this paragraph on here was written with unnecessary snark and full-on Avril-hate shining through. If you read the interview it gets a little more serious than “oh she couldn’t go to the pool”. That is just her describing the moments she first noticed that something was wrong. She continues to describe how it

I thought it a little too much how the paragraph about Avril brought the snark and Avril hate on. If you read the actual interview and the other quotes she talks about not being able to move,talk or even breathe and fighting the medical community who refused to diagnose her, sending her home and declaring her “crazy.”

Can we please agree to delet Kinjaturtles ehem "contributions".

I stopped watching for this very reason. There are some good essays about it. I think one was even on Jezebel but then they changed their tune into glossing over those issues for the "strong female characters."

Thanks. You never know what's plausible for American society and what isn't, especially because media presentation seems to be always taken for granted.

So how plausible is this movie for Americans? Cause where I am from it could never happen simply because a fake ID isn't doing it. Your birth date needs to be stated on you CV and it also happens to be on all the diplomas you have to turn in.

That is a VERY run off the mill regular squirrel. don't know who Klaus Nomi is? You can google that you know?

The entire documentary is up on Dailymotion! Non-geoblocked.