
The question is: why do Americans fall for this shit SO easily?

That's a pretty lame asshole - oh excuse me "troll" game you've got going there - "Oh let me play devil's advocate but I'll be only playing on the side of oppression using their arguments". You make it especially boring by choosing such a punchable avatar that gets everyone riled up in no time.

Why are all your recent playlists shit?

Well, it's not like she had a personality pre-Kanye but you are right. I think his mother would turn in her grave. On the other hand, she died during plastic surgery, didn't she?

This is horrifically gross.

Your both is awesome!

Much worse. I recently had to spend lunch with two twenty somethings who HAD NEVER HEARD OF THE X-FILES.

Copy and paste

Except the higher ups who didn't even want her to audition and seriously wanted Pamela Anderson to play the role and made it damn clear to Anderson that she wasn't the "type we are looking for."

It goes both ways though. I'm German. I taught German in university. It got so tiring going against the Nazi ideology of how "all" Germans are blond and blue eyed served to me by a bunch of Americans and it seemed tobe pretty hard for lots of the students to wrap their heads around the situation that two of our

I was going to say that Japan's serious problem seems to be connected to them barely having a non-ethnically Japanese (which still wouldn't excuse it) but then you mentioned the substantial community of Brazilian Japanese people and I have nothing to say anymore. What is wrong with them?

Thanks. I thought apparently everybody was just a-ok with that flag...

That sounds like a Turkish wedding to me ;) but presumably Polish?

Banging my head against the wall since 2002 here at the willful stupidity and bullshit of Amercan women or rather wanting to bang YOUR head against the wall.

Oh, aren't you snarky. Stop whining about spending a lot of money, when you specifically want to spend a lot of money and realize that there are lots of other people laughing at you. You can trash a lot of stupid American "wedding traditions" if you can look beyond what you are told.

I'd find their social media presence and tell them exactly that!

I'm so sick of the happy-go-lucky relativists posts.

Spot on. Especially because there is a great lack of critizing young boys who totally get off of say, misogynist video games or misogynist rap. But sure, young girls, trying to navigate through a world while realizing that it hates them and dealing with all the obstacles put in their way are fair game for ridicule.

Ok he is a rich asshole. Then why not go full out rich asshole and pay somebody else to clean if he "can't do it" because he "has never done it" and you don't want to. Money doesn't seem to be a problem and you don't seem to expect him to grow into a decent person either, so where is the problem?

Having grown up with maids