Bring Me Knitting

This is how I feel toooooo, though I started ironically calling my mom “Mother-Dearest” as a teenager. I can refer to them as “my mom” or “my dad” but I’ve never been able to call them that directly. It feels like a weird, artificial imposition...

Gwen, please don’t make such cruel suggestions!

What a category!

I cannot vouch for or defend adding cottage cheese to jello, but cream cheese is an excellent addition. My grandmother made a version of the lime jello salad recipe above (sans marshmallows and whipped cream/topping) that was pretty fantastic.

I made a red, white, and blue version of broken glass jello salad in deep springform pan for the 4th of July several years ago. It was so pretty!

Strawberry pretzel salad is the best jello salad! In recent years, I’ve tried to class up my grandma’s recipe with whipped cream instead of whipped topping. I’ve had the best results whipping the liquid cream and softened cream cheese together, rather than trying to fold the cream cheese into already-whipped cream.

Help, I’m drowning in Kin- *gurgle*

“The witch who killed my husband” is also what I call my OBGYN.

The final fillable portion does expand if you press enter enough. I sent them a few paragraphs.

Eh, don’t worry! I only remember because it was redesigned around the time I started using this username. Each year since about 2010 feels like it could be two years ago...

Why is an RSS feed less painful to look at than this???

*pssst* The redesign was rolled out in 2013. We’re all old and going to die. I hated it initially too, and I still resent it for burying not-immediately-popular content, but compared to Kinja, it was fantastic. It helps that it didn’t fundamentally change everything about the site.

I hate it tooooooooo. If we could email a frowny face a Peter Thiel each day maybe we’d feel better?

They seem to have fixed some of the navigation issues for the desktop version of the site as well.

It’s a pretty shockingly significant oversight! An easy fix would be adding AV Club to the black bar of Gawker-adjacent awfulness at the top, but if they were going to do that you’d think it would have been rolled out already? The REVIEWS tab is the only one that seems to have any built-in main page navigation, but

Oooh, thank you for the reminder that Stella’s book has come out!

NEVER REFRESH NEVER REFRESH (I got my new account and I haaaaate it!)

NEVER REFRESH NEVER REFRESH (I got my new account and I haaaaate it!)

The same thing happened for me. I am curious about this absence of this step listed in the directions:

This is the closest we have gotten to recreating the madness of Spot.IM.