Bring Me Knitting

I was silently screaming "You're not supposed to use Bronn for evil!" at my tv. Not that he hasn't done horrible things, but he's Bronn! This is the most conflicted I have been about a fight since Brienne v. The Hound.

I grew up with the gold hardback version, which appears to be the 11th edition from 1965. Now, I say "appears" because by the time I was old enough to try cooking in the mid 90s, this poor old book had lost both the front and spine potion of the hard cover, and the lovely gold of the back had been branded by the rings

Dennis!!! How did you not mention that he devoted like 10% of the episode to reenacting an Exit 57 sketch with Matthew McConaughey???????????

I have the cookbooks for Game of Thrones and Outlander. I've yet to make anything from the GoT book (I feel like I need to finish the books to fully appreciate it), but last summer I made some pretty good strawberry-apple preserves from a recipe in the Outlander cookbook. Now, it took waaaaaaaay longer than the recipe

It's very pretty! I picked up a copy a several weeks back in anticipation of summer vegetables, then I got a bit sidetracked, and have yet to really dig into the recipes. I found the larder section pretty interesting, and am pretty excited by the prospect of tuna-oil mayo. I dunno if it's a revelation to anyone else,

Technically, Ice met fire in the S4 opener! We'be just been watching epilogue since then!

Now we know where the other half of Ice is! What's the current count on in-show Valyrian steel? Four swords and a dagger?

And then tell them how beautiful their wedding was!

Cersei is going to be so pissed when she hears about Joffrey that Jaime wasted a whole second cup of wine.

I am approaching where you're at with this album. I listened to the first half in my car on the way home from work Friday. I was shocked by how much I detested it, and that they'd taken everything I hate about lots of different songs and crammed them into multiple tracks on the same album. I arrived at home right as

The Boltons were at the forefront of medicine this whole time!

I half-expected to see Gendry rowing out in the water that the, uh, strategy room overlooks.

The beautifully-edited montage with Sam made me laugh harder than any comedy I've seen recently.

He made it out! He looked comically large next to their boats as they fled. They must have died somewhere else.

But IIII forgot because I was taken aback by how many characters got melted, I watched Tommen fall too much, and Cersei had that sweet new look!

*She likes burly common men.

Or possibly that he let Melisandre take Gendry. I feel like that was the far greater sin in her eyes, as it's what happened almost immediately before she escaped from the Brotherhood.

I think we're the ones who are going to die this season.

Please disregard, sorry, I forgot this was in two parts….