Bring Me Knitting

I hope you enjoy it!

The symbols are a bit odd, but I'll take a still image of Rami Malek's unsettling stare any day over a looping video clip menu. Those fill me with a deep anxiety as I race to make a selection before the loop resets. Looping music is also difficult, but at least I can just mute that.

I can confirm that the Mr. Robot Season One gag reel is not that interesting! The entire bonus feature selection is quite slim and underwhelming. At least the episodes are fun to watch!

! Well now I will! Have any of the others been worthy checking out? I watched the one that aired on television, and it didn't sell me on the idea of seeking out the online ones.

I usually ignore previously-ons on other shows, but since they bothered to include them automatically with each episode on the bluray of season one, I figure they must be slightly more important to the artistic intention of this show.


I saw a reference to Being John Malkovich at the end of the credits, so maybe that? I was too worried about the noises outside to really register that they were even watching tv…

Darlene's actions make me lean closer to thinking Wellick might really be dead, maaaaaaaaybe?

Never forget! Never forgive!

I just need some Boehner tears before he writes himself out!!!

I am slightly more invested in Flipper's fate than in Tyrell's!

Very brief moments of this show are the some of the sweetest things I've seen on television.

Who told Mr. Robot it was 1996 Week?

Yeah, I was kind of annoyed that I stayed up late to watch it last week, though the glowing praise from so many others makes me want to give it a second look before tonight's episode.

I loved Day of the Doctor, but I cannot disagree!!

"President Pence" is not a reassuring thought!!!

Bless him and his beautiful, Emmy-nominated beard.

She'd already picked out her new crown!

You mean of the UK leaving the EU?

Oh noooooooooo! Who is going to feed Ser Pounce?