Bring Me Knitting

I tried to click on the underlined word in your comment, half-expecting that I would be lead to a DeviantArt page from 2001. I am a bit disappointed.

No! They ate the bull. The cow lives!

Andy Samburg won a Golden Globe, not an Emmy for Brooklyn Nine-Nine. You were wrong about a fact on the internet! Consider yourself berated and shamed! From this moral high ground, I look down at you and politely suggest that you reconsider your distaste for Mr. Samburg. He is a national treasure.

The still up there is pretty close to the ending shot of the Bearded Christian Bale and Bald Matthew McConaughey classic Reign of Fire.


That is one of the things that I have found most concerning about the track of the show from Season 3 onwards (The box-of-unpaid-bills episode made me mad), as Nick was my favorite character during the first two seasons. I think I have assuaged some of my sadness over the decline of Nick's intelligence by embracing

I appreciate this feature. Thank you?

*whispers* Picabo

Perhaps I've become more forgiving, but this season has been such a pleasant return to something amounting to form. I am surprised how little I have missed Jess, but I suppose I can always be happy when we have Winnie The Bish!


Hot Rod is a thing of beauty!

Watch Wolf Hall!


I agree! I am fairly indifferent toward the Kardashians, and I find the amount of energy people spend spewing hatred toward them rather absurd, particularly with regard to this show. Their tie to this case is one of the few things about them that I do find interesting, so I do not mind the very minor inclusion of them

Aaagh! Apparently I did forget! I must have played this at my friend's house back in 94-95, because when I scrolled past the video still above, I was briefly transported back into the state of fearful fun it inspired in 6-7 year old me.


I agree! However, I wonder if some of that madness may come from dissatisfaction with the lack of realization of Ginny's character. I can only speak for myself of course, and I have friends who are fans/defenders of Ginny, but she only made the barest of impressions on me. I kept waiting and wanting to know and

Ooooooooo weeeeeeeee

I assumed it was a town on the island, so I think our interpretations are both better and funnier!

I love this show! I was so happy to have the original theme back! As I said at the end of last season, I had no idea this show would become so beloved to me, but I am so pleased that it did. This year's run managed to take the goofy charm of season one and transform it into something even more delightful. Here's to