Bring Me Knitting

So many of my early musical heroes were already dead when I discovered them, David Bowie was not.

But I just stopped crying!

I will be tearfully driving to the record store to pick up Blackstar in a few minutes, but for now I'm listening to The Next Day. I was tempted to get lost in one of my many favorites from his 70s output, but I think this is actually the album I need right now.

This was literally the very first thing I heard this morning when my stupid radio alarm woke me up just a few minutes ago. I would like to pass this off as dreaming. I was going to purchase Blackstar on Friday and give it a listen this weekend, but I decided to wait until today to visit the record store. I regret

something something something GAAAALAVAAAAANT

So far this season feels more like a really long episode of TAL than last season, but I don't mind.

I like this idea, and I must now steal it! If you'd like to go full Kentucky, you could swap out the ginger beer with Ale-8.

“The key thing with resolutions,” Oliver thus explains, “is not how to keep them. It’s how to revise them once you’ve failed.

It does! Hopefully your guesses are correct. Nothing online seems to explicitly state that no season will air this year, so I was probably being overly pessimistic.

Willlll it? I was rather afraid we might not see The Doctor until Christmas.

*watches download progress*
*notices time*
*sets third alarm*

I liked Forever too. Maybe all procedurals are a bit more fun in their first season, but it was the only one of my mother's endless procedural diet that I continually enjoyed watching with her.

I genuinely wanted to hear the theme song, but the introductory song was so committed to smug celebration that I loved it almost as much. I am so pleased to have this show back on tv.

The only thing that makes facing the last day of break bearable is GAAAAAALAVAAAAANT!

Well! It felt like a step up from Series 3, perhaps in part because my expectations for Sherlock were lowered by that series. That feels a bit harsh, as there was plenty of fun to be had with this episode, and with the 19th century setting in particular. So, cool setting, nice hair, fun playing with conventions of the

Happy Early Orthodox Christmas?

Vworpy Christmas! Yes, much of this was quite goofy, but I'm so happy we finally have River's second-to-last meeting with The Doctor in a form other than a tiny short on a boxset!

Happy Good Year of Doctor Who, Whovian!

We need a hoodie dress!

Good call on The Adventure Zone, Hughes! I think even people who don't like MBMBaM (I hear they exist?), should be able to love it. It took me a few months to actually listen to it, but I was immediately hooked and a bit taken aback by how much I enjoyed it, despite having only Community-based knowledge of D&D.