Bring Me Knitting

My mom, sister, brother, and I got tickets to see a free prerelease screening of Milk while visiting Seattle in 2008. The tickets were handed out free on the street, so the screening was way overbooked, and because I'd spent so much of the afternoon wandering through used record stores, we arrived at the theater much

I'm thinking that last bit is probably the explanation, or at least "very few AV Club staffers included in this best-of list watch it."

1. Phil's Beard.
2. Carol's BeBearding of Phil's Wedding Cake Figurine
3. "Alive in Tuscon" is a beautifully-filmed, bleak and hilarious exploration of the title premise. What followed in season one was uneven at times, but enjoyable, and season two has been fantastic.
4. The music
5. It's fun to watch.

You guys! This was a great finale of a great season of Doctor Who. Unlike some previous Moffat entries (and some previous crazypants-RTD-finales), nothing about this gave me the sense that there was a hollowness lingering beneath the flashy surface. I feel so lucky that we have been given the wonder that is Capaldi as

Mine ate the last 30 minutes too! Luckily, after a moment of despair, I was able to use my Tardis remote to travel back in BBC America's timestream.


She was on The Daily Show in 2004!

No! Yes!

I don't know if I can trust the taste of a reviewer who considers the title Live Die Repeat superior to Edge of Tomorrow!

If you didn’t care for the suddenness with which Magnus summoned “Garyl"

I'm quite excited about those two doing Big Finish! It is a pricey thing to keep up with, but it's worth it. Think of how much Big Finish has done for humanity by providing us with hours upon hours of recordings of Paul McGann's voice!

Yeah, that's the one! Perhaps the fact that he was attempting both an American accent and a more feminine vocal tone is what resulted in the true aural horror of that one…

The Silurians actually have "The Hungry Earth" and "Cold Blood" set to play on a loop until 3020, so that they are instantly bored back to sleep in the event of an early awakening.

I made the error of watching Lost River today, and while Matt Smith's accent was not the worst thing about that film, I'm not sure it was much better than Tennant's in Gracepoint. However, Smith's American muscle-flexing was obviously very on point!

Oh! I am in no way condemning it! It just made me want to hide behind my sofa!

Peter Capaldi, American game show host, is Doctor Who's most unsettling monster.

But what does this mean for GALAAAAVAAAAANT?

And the thing is, this election year in Kentucky has shown how very important just a handful of votes can be. Matt Bevin only got to this point because he defeated James Comer by 83 votes! 83!!!!! Andy Beshear just became our next Attorney General by a margin of less than 2200 votes! I apologize for yelling my

I have some aged eggnog in the fridge that is now approching its third birthday. They grow up so fast!