Caterina Thrace

OK, he sounds like a total wanker. I really can’t stand people who disdain ANY kind of genre, although it’s usually people who’ve read about four books since high school English and think forcing a Jonathan Franzen novel on themselves once a decade makes them look smart. We all enjoy different things at different

OMG this has happened to us too many tines!!

Oh my god, Orion’s smile is so great. That is a sensational dog smile, he kind of looks like my old neighbour (a man). :)

Seconding temping. Did it for a year and it opened up really good opportunities in industries I wouldn’t otherwise have had access to via my original qualifications .

My husband and I had no wedding party, but we did have some friends (and for me my mum too) get ready with us. I have previously been a bridesmaid and it sucks balls so I wanted my friends to actually enjoy themselves and not feel like they had to have a ‘role’. It was great. No judgement to those who want bridesmaids

Years ago an old boyfriend of mine (still friends with him, nice guy but not suitable long term) told me that ‘guys are ready to get married/commit to long term when they start to go bald’. His reasoning was that they were probably at their peak at that point - looks wise, job wise, impending paunch - it’s all

Could not agree more.

I’m an Aussie and I’m in Queensland... I had to google the location. I don’t understand why anyone would go there? I mean, we have so many other options that are 1000x better.. The whole concept is crap, but to have them actually IN Australia? Ludicrous.

I was all set to scroll right past this one (Christianity and teens both being hard passes for me) but I saw the images and thought ‘Oooh Brie’. I really feel like I could get behind a magazine for cheese lovers but this is all very disappointing.

Oh definitely this - was recently in the States, really struggled to find normal, plain Greek yoghurt that didn’t have added gelatin, sugar and made with 1% milk. Disgusting stuff.

Counter-argument: who is so vain that they can’t put aside their need to conform for one afternoon for a little fun? I had no theme whatsoever for my wedding but I can see the attraction. Weddings are pretty staid affairs for the most part. I guess it’s just like those people who turn up to dress-up parties in normal

OMG I still remember when my dad did that (for the first time in my life) in the 90's and my mum and I laughed and laughed and laughed and he never did it again. Poor guy :) He still gets cranky when we bring it up haha

I went to the kind of private school where the very thought of an embarrassing teenage pregnancy was enough for us all to work out contraception pretty early on. I can only remember one instance, and it was such a scandal. Took me years to realise not everyone’s high school experiences were not the same as mine.

Harriet and her Christmas effing spirit.

Huh. I have a friend whose name is Adolfo, and I’d never even made that link!

I think all signs point to yes :). I lived in the UK for eight years too, but back in Australia now.

We’re flying into Dallas. I’m a bit of a ‘planner’ so my slightly controlling side wouldn’t allow me to plan a trip to Mexico without exhaustive planning and research :)

Yeah Mem Fox was who I was thinking of... and hadn’t she just written a book about celebrating diversity? Maybe that’s what they objected to...

Yeah, agree on all points. we’ve done it before (a road tip across US) and been to much more ‘dangerous’ countries (Turkey, Egypt etc) but it just freaked me out with the whole Trump thing making everyone crazy. I’m probably just getting old :) Thanks for you thoughts on this, just needed a bit of reassurance.

You too!!