Caterina Thrace

I stayed in a hotel in Ireland with my partner years ago, a standard conference/mid range sort of affair, and we were flying out really early in the morning so just decided to get dinner at the hotel's restaurant. The only choice was the 40pound per person prix fixe kind of deal, so we did that. It was unbelievably

That's a great idea. I was picturing the park/playground near my house as you were describing that and it's perfect for the cool down/stretching part combined with play area!

You're in for a shock if you ever move to London/Sydney/Paris/Frankfurt etc etc. Unless you're properly a 1%er (and not a bullshit, I earn 100k I'm rich! type) then flatmates are one of life's little necessities. But maybe US cities are cheap? No idea...

Only child here too. I used to get home from work, have a shower, get into bed and read for about 8-9 hours straight. Mostly dodgy romances. Or watch box sets like BSG or Eureka. Only emerged for socialisation when required to by social convention and to get drunk with my flatmates. I never ever thought I would miss

All the ladies look great this week! Emily though - hun I think they did you a disservice regarding your lovely freckles, you look amazing with out all the foundation!

Agreed. The only thing I would say is if Hillary wanted to avoid the Snow White references (which let's face it - beautiful skin, brunette hair, red lipstick, it's no bad thing!) is maybe a slightly different, yet still bold, lipstick? Maybe something slightly pinker?

I used to live above two teachers who for about one year, every school holidays when they were off work, would put Leona Lewis' ''Run" on repeat for about an hour, about the same time I was getting ready for work. I secretly loved it. *hangs head in shame*

Do you know what doesn't cost $35? A biro. Maybe even one of those metallic gel pens if you like the shiny.

You know what I miss about the nineties? Flannelette shirts. So warm. So soft. I had a really great maroon and navy one my Mum finally got me after much nagging and cajoling in 1994 (or thereabouts). Good times. Paired with some mom jeans and a white singlet top. And really dark, unflattering lipstick. I thought I was

I'm just waiting for the 'used to be white now greyish beige from mixed washes' undies to become a thing and I will be set!

This happened to me too - London/Hong Kong/Sydney flight in 2009. Had swine flu but didn't realise it as it was right at the start of the outbreak. It was, in no uncertain terms, horrendous. Not throwing up horrendous, I was just super sick, pale, shakey, bones hurting, vaguely delirious, faint kind of sick. Had a

My ex boyfriend used to use concealer. With a light, deft hand, no one will notice. Just get someone to help you apply it properly the first time so you know what you're doing.

I am done with this chill thing. I met my partner after maaaaaany years of the dating wasteland that is London, and had finally given up. Had no fucks left to give, was sick of all the games and playing it cool (now known as chill I guess) and whatever. It ended up in a lot of nights of me and my two flatmates, drunk

This happened to us - we stayed at an all inclusive in Barbados, having never done it before. Not honeymoon, just a holiday. We're definitely not resort people. It was nice but I didn't feel like we got to know the rest of the island enough. Horses for courses I guess...

Ten thousand stars. I had a make up artist do my make up for a wedding I was a bridesmaid in and my main memories are of looking at the back of the crowd of assembled guests as the bride and groom did their vows, trying to ignore my boyfriend sniggering at me the WHOLE TIME. I looked like a clown. In fact, all the

Sharts. I don't use this word enough. This was my first actual laugh out loud moment today and for that I thank you :)

This. This is what I say to my partner: have you tried LOOKING? Because that's what grown ups do when they can't find stuff. They go look for it. Jeebus.

Good on you. I bet you're so much happier now. :)

"I think its great to get married on the cheap, unless you're a guest at that wedding and food sucks, the music sucks, and you have to pay for your own drinks."

Good on you. I need to hear more of these stories, because whilst I'm interested in DIYing some things about my wedding, they're only really the ones I want to do because I like doing them (invitations, flowers etc). I'm strongly in the 'throw money at the situation' camp when it comes to some things. We've both