Caterina Thrace

Totally agree. No one ever tells a guy they can see the outline of their dick when their trousers are too tight. "Ummm.. don't know how to break it to you buddy but your dick is showing. Just being helpful. Thought you should know... maybe you could tie your jacket around your hips?"

Maybe because you're not a massive racist who would judge a bunch of people on their 'whiteness'?

Tacky can be heaps of fun, particularly if you go ALL OUT. I mean, if you're going to do it, go all the way! I think an Imperial Storm Trooper honour guard is a sensational idea.

I don't think I even WANT to know 500 people, let alone feed them and entertain them and spend precious wine and honeymoon money on them. If I could get away with 30 people we actually can stand then I would but you know... family... obligations... Still, only going to top out at 60 max. MAX. Even that's too many.

My partner does this sometimes - carries over work mode when things there are stressful and treats me like some sort of assistant. It's rarely done any more but when we first got together it would come out occasionally and I'd be like 'I don't know what the fuck sort of PA you think I am here but I'm you're fucking

Totally agree. It's more annoying when it's worn like some sort of badge. 'ewwww I can't stand any vegetable that's green'. It's not something to be proud of, it marks you out as fucking useless. It makes me irrationally ranty. And I don't agree with the other poster on this thread who said that it's ok for teenagers

I read this recently too - something about how your body expects sugar from the sweet stuff you're imbibing, then when it doesn't get it it extracts more/processes more from the other food you're eating, hence wasting all the misery of a no-calorie soft drink.

That hairpiece is awesome. You look fabulous :)

And those of us who missed out on the 'hourglass' and look more like a 'tumbler' (ie square square square) - sporty types who have gone to seed - these wonderful womanly type shapes look shit. Everyone's always like 'love your curves' and I'm still wondering when they'll bloody turn up. Why didn't I get a waist


I say keep it short too! I detest this idea of looking 'bridal'. What is this even? I'm assuming OP has lived with her face for quite some time now, surely she knows her own face and hair preferences and what looks great... an in addition, there are sooooo many hairpieces now that looks fabulous with shorter hair.

and red...

At least you get to spend your money on the people who love you enough to come and support you and your fiancée, not extended relatives who you probably barely see who can't get past that bullshit. I'm not a huge fan of big weddings - often the food and drink are crap and you never get to talk to all the people there

WHY KINJA. I thought I wanted to comment, but then I decided I had nothing interesting to say, now you won't let me CANCELFFFFFFFF>

I could not agree with you more. I think compulsory classes throughout high school that teach all kids how to sew a button, take up a pair of trousers, use a drill, change a lightbulb, bake a cake, change a tyre, clean a bathroom, clean a kitchen, basic banking and finance, use a cash register etc etc etc...

Yeah, I'd probably have to agree with you on all counts there!

Re Michael Nyqvist and Daniel Craig - (I agree, I preferred MN) - there's no need for everyone to be bloody good looking, - why do American movies do that? It's so infuriating. The journalist character was meant to be ok looking (read, not horrendous) but ffs, he's a middle aged journalist. I could never understand

Yup. City boys. Personal experience here too - it's awful.

Yeah possums are different. That's an opossum.

That is a totally whackjob suggestion, obviously, but as a side note we actually have a lot of really spiny plants all around our fenceline (we didn't plant them, they're very prevalent in the area) and they are IMPOSSIBLE to get past. Better than any sort of fence really. Flowering yuccas, cordyline australis, the