What. An. Arsehole. You should bring out that video every Christmas/Easter/family holiday available :)
What. An. Arsehole. You should bring out that video every Christmas/Easter/family holiday available :)
Well that is gloriously random...
Holy shit. I know it's wrong but that just made me laugh out loud. That's a TERRIBLE thing to say!!!! So bad it's completely hilarious.
I can only hope one day someone calls me a fallen woman. It sounds so exotic and mysterious. Like I'd instantly feel a bit French, a bit Marlene Dietrich, a tiny bit Italian, and I'd have to go around wearing plenty of black lace and dark sunglasses. I'd go around talking in a husky voice and smoking cigarettes with…
I love the term 'clod'. I need to use it more often.
Me too - last one I went to I actually looked like a giant cornflower blue easter egg. Hideous. But who even cares right? My boyfriend sat at the back of the ceremony laughing at me and it was the best part of the whole thing. I looked ridiculous! haha
None of that is OK. I really hope you like your husband because otherwise.... it just sounds like his family is just not worth it. :( I am also sitting here hoping you came up with some fabulous, delicious but subtle revenge on the MIL.
ALL OF THESE! Makes me want to waste a weekend doing a teen movie retrospective.
Holy shit. I think that just made my day. That is the creepiest thing I have seen in a long long time. It's EXCELLENT.
Yup. Some days I wear mascara and then look at myself; 'look at you all faaaancy'! Then when I actually put on the full array I think goddamn why don't I wear makeup more often I look great. But then laziness....
God yeah. Sometimes when I'm feeling really cranky with what I'm doing (and luckily I do have a pretty good job, successful family business, happy environment etc etc) I think back to my most simple jobs - working at a petrol station during university, working at a kebab shop at a shopping centre during high school,…
Maybe it'll get better? Who knows...
Good on you. There's nothing like getting out of a small town to shake some of those small town values for a bit. I bet you're a thousand times happier :)
'A marriage is an economic partnership'. THIS IS SO TRUE. Romance is great, and love and all the rest of it, but for me at least, marriage is about the partnership aspect - the economics, the family stuff, the 'making a life together' isn't about making a life together in lurve, it's about forming a partnership and…
Jeebus. Good on you for ditching him. And who even cares if you were a bit of a dick in your 20's - weren't we all? I reckon if you don't have regrets you weren't doing it properly :)
bullet dodged!
Did you live with your partner first or did you move in together after marriage? Just interested to know because you talked about your expectations, and I just wondered about the context...
That sounds shithouse. Surely, no job is 'so cool' that you have to be stressed all the time. Maybe you need to evaluate whether all the 'coolness' is worth it? It sounds like you need a break, and I really feel for you :( If you've got decent experience from this job, maybe you should look for somewhere better to…
Yup, agreed. Parents expect teachers to be endlessly passionate about their precious little darlings, but don't expect to have to do any of the actual parenting that might lead to children that can be passionately taught. (broad generalisation)
Huh. Light bulb moment for me here - thanks to your suggestion for your little brother! We have been living together for yeeeaarrs, so we already have all the kitchen/house stuff, and we're not young so it's all been carefully chosen/good quality so I was wondering what on earth we were going to do about gifts. TOOLS!…