Caterina Thrace

Your response warms my tiny little cold heart. I'm f*ing sick of us all having to take these stupid 'gluten' allergies seriously. Fuck everyone. And for the ones with the coeliac thing, well that's a shame, we'll all do our best to accommodate because that's a goddamn thing and can't be helped, but it's the goddamn

Yup, totally agree.

I think all the people 'gleefully saying they did absolutely nothing' are really only (to sound like my mum) letting themselves down. So yay, you learnt next to nothing in your undergraduate degree - congratulations, you just wasted however many thousands of dollars on an education you don't have. Good luck in life,

The niceness is why I visit more often than probably anywhere else in the jez/gawk universe. All the hostility and misery and iggy azalea hating (I don't even know what that girl sings but it's all so hateful I can't stand it, miserable miserable fucking people) just gets me down. And I love being snarky, so that must

I agree. And as someone who has read PLENTY of erotica, it was just so crap. I felt about that book the way I felt about The Da Vinci Code - bewildered by its popularity. One dimensional, vapid characters, poorly written, poorly imagined, shitty prose with poorly-developed motivations. In short, POOR. But inextricably

I can't recommend your post enough.

I don't get the 'bleak' thing either. I find a life lived under the threat of a higher power, usually in terms of 'do this or you'll burn' style teachings, so fucking grim. Anything good you do, any caring, is never free from your God. All good acts are done in fear. Everything done on earth in your lifetime is for

Yeah, that whole 'no atheists in foxholes' is an absolute crock of shit theory people who believe in the supernatural like to hold dear. It has no basis in reality.

Me too. Couldn't even bring myself to watch them. I loved the first ones, no need to punish myself with some crappy Hollywood remake. I felt the same way about the Office, but having now seen some of the American one it's ok. I think it was successful in the end because it was just too different from the original to

I bought my new car cash - we didn't own up to this until we got to the actual transaction part of the exchange (having already negotiated discounts, etc), the guy just assumed we would be using financing. His FACE when he realised there was no financing. Poor guy. It was too late by that time though, he'd already

Well I suppose the one thing you could say for him is he helped pull Souths Rabbitohs out of almost certain death, so there's that (?)...I guess...

All right, I'll bite. Russell Crowe is from New Zealand. It is another country, not a state of Australia as some seem to think.

That is awesome. If I ever do anything that gets me labelled an anarchist ruining someone's 'holy' tradition of anything I shall consider my work there done.

Yeah totally agree. Honestly, just thinking about 20 year old me and the 20 year old idiots that were my male and female friends (equal opportunity idiots) all I can think is how did we survive? Absolute fuckwits. Ah well, at least we're (kind of) more sensible now. Hopefully.

...and taking his phone out to check the time.

This. 'Being normal and cool and chill' - I wish more people, male and female, were aware of this. If you are nice, reasonably intelligent, enthusiastic and fun, eventually someone's going to like you. It just happens that way. I say this for both men and women. It's just not that complicated.

I want to wear more hats. I actually have lots of hats, but they never get worn. Because they are ANNOYING. All you end up doing all day is carrying around the hat until you finally put it down somewhere and walk off, hat lost forever. Plus they're usually pretty hot and gross. I've left hats at the beach, on the

That is a beautiful dress. Love the sleeves, and the slimmer line. Gorgeous.

Surely one person's idea of bad luck is just another's idea of ludicrous superstition?

Am I crazy if I just take my fiancée? I mean, we spend our lives together, have lived together for over five years, and on a daily basis ask each other 'do I look good/does this shirt go with that/can you see the weird sunscreen stain I didn't quite get out last time' etc etc, I trust his opinion. If I took a gaggle