Caterina Thrace

The eighties child in me kind of loves Princess Diana's dress. It was so poofy! And kind of Anne of Green Gables-y 'puffy sleeves'!!!!!. Unnecessary lace! Big trains! Ridiculous ruffles!

Daily Life is a fluff/online publication, this was hardly an in-depth interview. Let's all take it with a grain of salt. So yeah, I agree, I think she was probably saying that with a wry sort of smirky way, not a 'this is FACT' way. Surely. ?

Legitimate question - I thought super glue was designed/developed FOR use on human skin?

I like Mark Shrayber's new hair hat. It looks like it would be very warm in the winter time.

Mmm butter. Just another thing us Finns enthusiastically embrace.

Oh god, your post was the first thing today to make me actually laugh out loud. :) I'm Finnish/Swedish, with a bit of English way back, and yup, that's exactly my skin tone. Except, not that fabulous kind that tans really easily, but the kind that freckles at the mere hint of sunlight. Merest hint.

That's exactly what I thought!

Mine comes in every morning (in summer, in winter she sleeps with us all night) at around 5.30 for pats, then turns around several times then settles facing away from me for a nap. So I wake up most mornings to cat bum. No boundaries!

Oh yeah - forgot about Top of the Lake. I've got Broadchurch at home waiting for a decent rainy Sunday too - can't wait.

That quote reminds me of Germaine Greer's quote, 'Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.'

This is interesting isn't it? I think my partner is probably the most 'feminist' man I've been with/known, but he sometimes gets so uncomfortable with discussing sexual violence, feminist issues, etc etc. I think he feels like I'm asking him to constantly apologise for his fellow men, but I'm not - I want to be able

I love bleak. So much. It's such a weakness. Wallander, The Killing (original and American re-do), all those shows.... I don't even know why, I'm actually a pretty cheerful person most of the time.

"a sort of punishment for what I had done".

" Still have the ring. It has an inscription so I thought it would be difficult to sell. Sometimes I look at it and think, hmm, failure."

Completely agree. I am happy to go ultra cheap, thrifty and sensible on many aspects of my life, but you know - we all gotta have vices. Particularly since I gave up smoking. Mine is designer bags and shoes. I GET that they're no better than normal stuff, I GET that they're only ostentatious symbols of wealth but fuck

I think the problem is that so many guys, upon some sort of perceived 'slight', go apeshit. Lots of men just can't handle rejection, and sexual violence is an every day thing that women have to take into account. So, yes, sometimes men do creepy things out of ignorance, or naivety, but you can't really blame women for

They look great. Normal, and great. My younger self would have loved one of them - and wouldn't have even clocked the difference between the two really. It's so sad that adults foist this sort of shit on children, it's not the children choosing the porno dolls. Yuck. Porno dolls.

I used to have a magical bag like that years ago - over time, I lost a charm bracelet, one house key, my drivers license, a ring and various other crap... just thought I was going through a phase losing stuff/confusedness (to be fair, living in London in my twenties, could have just been the vast amounts of alcohol

Baklava - yum! That wedding sounds perfect!

I say move on, find better, non-crazy friends. Life's too short to put up with that sort of crap. And just think how SHIT it would have been at a no alcohol wedding. Dear God, the thought of it *shudder*.