
Mrs. Something-Clever-Here is getting a bike this spring once it warms up. I’m stoked.

If you used a different picture.... but you chose the Fiesta ST, so...

Know what I like about the old Toyota Truck? In America, it was just called “Truck.” It’s a name as unpretentious as the vehicle itself.

Now playing

I’ll leave this to the experts at Union Pacific.

Yes, but California has super shitty traffic so this is the perfect testing ground.

Maybe it’s an option package. Its too early to tell. That’s gotta be the biggest ‘H’ fitted to a Honda, ever.

That isn’t enough, they’ll have to build this. With laser cannon and lift jets.

Or, y’know, really think outside the box, Google.

That would be awesome, especially if it blasted the theme song, which is now playing in my head

Now playing

Personally, I would have gone with an Airwolf theme.

Well the livery is sorted.

And if they need backup, they can always call The Fall Guy.

The problem is that people want to live in California - and it attracts the talent needed to do these sorts of projects.

No, no there aren't. If you watch American television, every damn show is filmed in CA, though with some shots from the proposed place they are ostensibly filmed for 'realism' inserted. So, obviously, it follows that California IS the USA and the only state that is. The rest of us just exist to buy their products and

No, but California has a way of forcing their standards down the throats of the rest of the country. If this becomes status quo in CA then it will likely become status quo elsewhere.

Haha, that would be hilarious. I have driven around there a decent amount and it can be pretty bad. Especially heading down 64 to Norfolk.

Dear Google,

$$$ and data. You need very, very thorough mapping of a road to use an autonomous car. Down to every chip on a curb, every tiny variation in the distance between lane stripes, etc. It’s not cheap.


Just sayin’.