
The difference is the R1 is tolerable, nay, pleasant at idle at a stoplight or while driving at 25 mph on a roadway. It sounds like a small child laughing, or a gentle creek. It’s comforting. And when you wring the bike and make it scream, it sounds like a waterfall. It’s loud, but still pleasant.

Clapped out H-D

You’re right those other bikes are loud too generally though they are gone quickly whilst the Harley is is moving slowly and cracking the throttle so everyone will look and behold his awesomeness

Those C-5 Galaxys have voracious appetites.

I'm pretty sure they will manage just find. We don't have to hold everyone's hand.

So what you’re saying is you want a ride in my diesel Benz? Alright, hit me up. I’ll be up there Saturday morning.

It’s nice to finally know.

Used for drag racing. This prototype truly lived!

Now playing

To those saddened by the lack of colourful British swear words in the video, I offer this:

I personally like a good car with correctable faults and some compromises. I’ll take my 2002 Mustang GT for example. The rear end is shit, it has a stock sound system in the trunk that intentionally wastes space, and the power is comically low. But it’s a rwd V8, it’s gorgeous (despite the fake air scoops), and

Great! When I show them to my friends, I’ll be able to say:

Jeremy approves of this post.

the a380 failed that test

That last part exactly. A great Mythbusters quote, “Remember kids, the difference between science and screeing around... is writing it down!"

Reminds me of a materials science test facility I saw on TV once: a huge lab devoted to destructive limit testing through crushing, bending and shaking the everloving shit out of anything they could fit in the machines.

It's amazing the stress airframes can take without being damaged. A true testament of engineering.

RIP, John DeLorean. I wonder what he would think of these replicas.