
Didn’t know that - I thought Merlin was the name of the engine family. Either way, still sounds fantastic!

Adolf certainly didn’t. Neither did Emporer Hirohito.

Ah yes, that glorious, 12-cylinder sound!

You mean, the gas cans that are ridiculously difficult to pour gas out of, and have plastic handles that feel like they’re going to break. Yeah, me too...not that I’d know anything about those...grumble grumble...

Ah, true, I can’t and won’t argue that point.

NO NO NO! That’s not what we use! We need to employ specially-modified black helicopters to keep the ice from forming on the road.

Well, something has to run high-speed drone pursuit.

I’d say practically any review of the Pontiac Aztek.

If that were the case, the entire tailgate would look like a big, chrome ‘H’.

Alaska and Hawaii would make for good testing areas, but no legislation. Interesting read.


Thankfully, thankfully that hasn’t happened for every industry, but the California standards are creeping out more into the rest of the nation, especially when it comes to emissions.

“Every damned show is filmed in CA...”

Hey now, you could do some interesting photo ops in Downtown Las Vegas and down on the Strip.

The Suffolk-Norfolk commute is pretty insane. I’ve done Williamsburg - Norfolk and Suffolk - Norfolk, both are crazy! Autonomous cars would simply add to the hilarity.

True enough, they had to do some in-depth preparatory work prior to commencing testing. The only other alternative would be to develop a facility for testing the autonomous vehicles, but then you have to have pedestrians, traffic, and so on. Not to mention the testing you brought up. Good point, though.

Now now, $kay, if Google does that, they’ll also have to hire the Hoff.

Same statement applies to Hampton Roads. I mean anywhere in Hampton Roads, especially on the bridge tunnels around these parts.

Definitely a step in the right direction.