
Point taken about the search.

That would involve trying to figure out if we were in reality or living in a dream, and eventually meeting up with some guy that has a dude living in his stomach.

You know, seeing it being put in that perspective, I can now see how driving like that would get old. There’s gotta be more to life than just visiting the same place again and again. I’d have fun doing a run on the beach every so often, but that could not be my only wheeling haven.

What happens when a self-driving car gets its signals crossed with an autonomous semi? Anyway...

Was that an earthquake? Wait, no, that was the collective U.S. trucking industry shuddering at the thought of autonomous trucks.

I’ll put my first car up here (I wish I had a pic of it, this one comes pretty close):

That looks like a good prop for the next Mad Max movie.

That place looks like it’s a fun way to roam around off road. I’d have issues doing so with my current vehicle, but given the right machine it would be a lot of fun.

I suppose anything could become tiresome after a while, but that would not be the case for me. Then again, I have this odd fascination with this truck’s performance on sand...

This one did. It was a 2004, had a 5-speed, managed 25 mpg on the highway at cruising speed, and taught me how to shift properly during, erm, spirited driving sessions.

Well damn, if that didn’t look like it would be a blast. Even if it’s driving around in circles on a beach over and over again, that just...would not get old.

Class war...grumble grumble...conspiracy...grumble grumble...politics! Harumph.

There’s a myriad of police departments that would disagree. They can negotiate traffic better than motorcycle cops can, and being perched atop a horse makes them privy to everything in the vehicle, including the ridiculously lifted trucks (within reason).

All of a sudden, the score from the Thunderdome scene in Beyond Thunderdome is playing in my mind.

#COTD and COTY, I agree with armandthegreat.

Didn’t Apple speak out against being monopolized?

That’s a damned fine sound. I love the way the F40 sounds at WOT.

That was a riveting read, I really enjoyed this excerpt. Now to go track down the book...

I’d have to agree with BonafideSupraman, motorized vehicles would probably be difficult to keep going.

In other words, respect the machine, and it will respect you. Don’t ignore what the machine tells you; disregard will certainly be a painful experience.