
Maybe if you’re running a TV show and need new melodrama every week, this is exactly the kind of person you want to have around? I mean, I think you’d want her in an isolation tank or something.

Sarstan, you are a lying liar, and everything you just stated is made up - either by you, or by some vile creature you chose to believe. Not a speck of your post contains any facts at all. None of it is true.

Yup, nothing but pure, foolish pride. All those “RBG Queen” pop-culture references got to her.

But there will be exceptions if they’re related to powerful GOP politicians or rich conservatives who have enough money to pay off doctors who can keep their mouths shut. Don’t forget that.

And their unmitigated gall in wanting to take a piss in a restroom that they feel comfortable in.  At least as comfortable as one can feel in a public facility.  

Ah yes, those powerful trans people. So oppressive with their insistence on, uh, existing.

I can’t think of any other bit character in a movie who is so inessential to the plot but adds so much to the tone of the film.

If he is doing publicity right now because of Severance, let me take this opportunity to say that Severance is an amazing show and it’s a tragedy the AV Club is not doing weekly reviews of it right now.

I think daily news of Stanley Tucci, Graham Norton, and Dolly Parton should be required reading during these dark and uncertain times. For the serotonin boost.

I have found Stanley Tucci sexy ever since 1999 when I first saw The Impostors. Nothing has changed.

Not even joking here, but I wouldn't put it past either of them to have had a contract for a number of kids.

Do either of them strike you as sane or rational? 

Part of me - the semi-irrational/conspiratorial part - thinks Musk got some random woman knocked up then paid everyone to say it was a surrogacy situation.

If Pete hosts the Oscars and we get to see Kanye rush the stage, it’ll be worth it.

That was my immediate thought too.  He sees himself in what this kid did, and doesn’t want to consider that his own past behavior was criminal and would be viewed as criminal today.  

5 gets ya 10 that Your Honor here has a similar story in his past.

the hell is wrong with disco? I’ll never understand the hate such a joyful, inclusive genre of music got.

That’s right! I swear we were told that people would snatch us up just to infect us. Either that or they would put an HIV tainted needle into Halloween candy.

Oh, no clue if this reply will show...but as an 80s child, there was a big 50s Poodle skirt craze. I was disappointed that my mother didn’t have one stashed away in her closet, like my neighbor’s mom did.

You were for sure going to get HIV if you even looked at blood, as well.