Brigitte Bardot's black wig

That’s not a stupid question at all. There is a very clear answer, though. The reason Republicans are pushing so hard on abortion is because for a LOT of conservative Christian voters, abortion is the ONLY reason they don’t vote Democrat. If Republicans dropped their crusade against abortion, they’d be dropped by a

Is the xenophobia wing of the GOP aware of this position vis-a-vis the 14th Amendment, and, therefore, birthright citizenship?

It’s really that simple?? There’s no like agreement with some superpac or Christian finance group?

Exactly. A person’s citizenship can’t be determined until they are born. So we don’t even know if a fetus is an “American” until we know where it’s born. Unless this dumbass is now suggesting we should determine citizenship based on place of conception...

This is so fucking overwhelming. I didn’t find out I was pregnant for the first time until week 6, and only because I was taking pregnancy tests constantly. What if I had needed an abortion?? There would be no time to get one! With my second pregnancy the doctor didn’t even have me come in to do the first ultrasound

This may be a very, very stupid question. But why ARE Republicans so obsessed with banning abortion? Why did they decide to fight so much for something that is so obviously none of their motherfucking business? Why are they focusing so much energy into this? I understand that they’re trying to appeal to conservative

“right to convenience”?

So many points to attack here but for starters, here is the text of the 14th amendment: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the

Trying to decide at what point I need to flee to another country. I used to joke about leaving the US, but now I’m just straight up scared.


/stifles laughter

I start every day with both coffee and soda. Coffee for the caffeine bomb, and the soda settles my stomach (and works better with savory breakfast foods like bagel sandwiches or eggs).

Counterpoint: Calling it pop should be illegal because it is no longer the 1950's.

Yeh, there’s definitely some weird co-dependence going on with them. In fact, half the time one will ask the other if they’re hungry. If the other one says “no,” the one who asked will simply forego/wait on the meal they intended to eat. So, like, if you you were in the kitchen and I was like “hm, I’m hungry. I want a

I sent in that letter to Drew. I’ve tried to get them to explain why maybe we should each order what we want but it always leads chaos and a headache. After 20+ years of marriage, I’ve learned this is not worth the fight. Most married people will admit (maybe only in private) their in-laws have quirks.

I’m in for life, brother. Lol.

Along these lines I read a Reddit post this week about a woman whose boyfriend’s family insists that no one can have any personal time, ever, during “family time” which for them is two weeks straight at someone’s house. As in, the woman said she had to take a nap to get an hour to herself and they saw her not sleeping

You nailed it. My wife’s friends (ok, I guess theyre mine too) do that “foodie” shit where about 20 of them get together at a restaurant and want to “get some things to share.” But the plates are meant for, at best, two people and I see five or six hands dipping in and at the end I got a small ass plate with 1/16th of

Last guy, D. What the fuck! Isn’t the whole point of going out that everyone can get what they want?

I got a lot of whuppings as a child. If anything it made me angrier and also kind of got me to think that inflicting pain on someone was a means to show my displeasure with them. So I became violent. But what I saw was violence. My grandma would whup me for something and then later that day, my dad would too or maybe