Brigitte Bardot's black wig

It is becoming crystal clear that this behavior in Hollywood is so common that this person thought he could go up to a man who could clearly kick his ass and grab his privates AND get away with it. He probably knew that Terry was aware of how it would look (240 lb black man beats up Hollywood honcho.... like he said

The reason people are asking that is because everyone else that was mentioned is — if not actually convicted — has at least has been ACCUSED by someone of an actual specific act. They are all objectively terrible people.

“We could have chosen Roman Polanski, but we chose to keep going in on Louis CK anyway.”

The only thing in that list that isn’t taken out of context as part of a larger comedy bit is “He defended Daniel Tosh after his rape jokes” - which he didn’t actually do. Almost everything else on the page is not some random hateful statements, but intentionally controversial things selectively taken from his standup

Chalk me up as another one who feels you need to stop pushing that.

Your mileage may vary.

All of those things are things he said during his act.

I didn’t need a NYT article to tell me that. In fact, I think it’s been longer than his whole life. I’m under the impression that he’s possessed by a 5,000 yr old dickwad spirit, who have been wandering from one historical prick to the next, jumping in at birth and leaving at the host’s end.

Asian American here! I wouldn’t bet that all Asian Americans are into this. I know I’m not. Oh God, am I doing the not all men thing? I’m hoping not bc Asian American is not a monolithic dominating institution with power like whiteness but I think Asian Americans are represented as thinking that shit by self-serving

Martha Stewart on her “horrifying” prison stint: ‘no one should have to go through that kind of indignity really except for murderers.’”

Sounds just like the serial gun-buying public

Well lock me up and throw away the sea salt if they’re roasted right, cause I plead guilty.

Oh god. Thanks for expected, it is dumb and disgusting.

I make annual pilgrimages into the red states, where I meet up with huntin’ people from all over the country. I note that five years ago, it was all about self defense (“you come from the city, what would you do when somebody is threatening you?” “Call a cab?”), but THIS year is was all about “but guns are so much

  1. ATF approved–Bump-stock devices do not change the action of the gun; they do not make the gun an automatic weapon. Rather, they allow the gun owner to mimic automatic fire in short bursts with variable consistency. This means the devices are categorized as an accessory rather than a conversion. Because of this, USA

Good lord will they let the SATC movie go! No one wanted to see that shit anyway. Also, how does Willie Garson know Kim C. was in negotiations for six months? Was he involved in the negotiation talks? Did he see the emails between her and the producers? It’s obvious now that Kim wants no parts of that turd. Either

I think she could be a bit of both. People aren’t all good or all bad. Sometimes we do nice things, sometimes we don’t. She’s probably not THAT bad, but I don’t think she’s an angel either. I mean, celebs are egomaniacs. That’s how you become a celebrity in the first place.

We don’t need a ban on bump stocks. We need a ban on semi-automatic weapons.

For the last eleven months, there has been a glut of gun related merchandise. Prices have been at their lowest in over a decade Lots of thes gun guys were purchasing everything they could get their hands on last year, thinking HRC was going to take their guns lots of these guys were puck chasing thinking prices

Missed it by that much?