Brigitte Bardot's black wig

Before Kaep started protesting did you ever hear the national anthem specifically linked to veterans? I didn’t. But once the Right started trumpeting this bit of nonsense I would hear sports radio shows talking with reverence about how he was being disrespectful to veterans.

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If anybody on the Packers took a knee during the anthem, it’d look like the conclusion of “Mars Attacks” when Slim Whitman is blasting from every speaker on earth:

Holy fuck! That explains so much about why my livestock kept dying. I just assumed they could let themselves in the house when they were hungry.

The number of people who care more about shallow symbols of patriotism than actually trying to make the country better is depressing as shit.

This article is about sports. The person who brought sports into politics in this instance is the president. Deadspin just reported on his remarks.

Don’t discount the appointment of conservative justices to the Supreme Court. In my Republican Red neck of the woods (pun not originally intended but once I saw it I couldn’t bring myself to remove it), the most important thing is regulating a woman’s uterus. They’d put up with any dunce who was willing to do that.

They don’t go to NFL games, they’re from Huntsville.

Trump pulled eighteen percent of the vote in NYC. I think there might be a reason why the people who know him best fucking loathe him.

Wait, you read Deadspin during the Tebow years and think Deadspin was sticking to sprots back then? That’s like thinking “Animal Farm” is a book about modern agriculture.

You paid for the ticket(s), you paid for the PDL (s), you paid for the parking. But, if you see anyone not stand full erect for the flag you leave teh stadium.

I’m mostly convinced that he brought this up just to be able to say “You’re fired” on TV again. This is not an excuse for his behavior but simply meant to point out that his simple mind may be looking for a comfortable place to get adulation before that last gasp of competency*.

For future archiving purposes, this article, in which the President wants football players to hit each other harder without fear of penalty to revitalize ratings, is posted just above a shared story from a Lifehacker sub-site explaining the effects and probable causes of CTE within football players.

I’ve lived in NYC for about 18 years now but Trump - who is a born and bred New Yorker and therefore one of the only ones who can claim to be a True New Yorker according to New Yorkers - is proof that no region of America can claim intellectual superiority over another

If this were a just world every NFL player would kneel for the anthem after hearing that.

Any NFL player with an ounce of moral fiber needs to protest in solidarity with Kaep. The very same flag that Kaep is kneeling against is draped behind this megalomaniac, senile racist as he cheerleads for billionaire owners to fire their black employees for protesting social injustices.

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He’s the guy in the video who can’t stand respectfully for 1 minute during the anthem...on Memorial Day no less.

He left behind residual hatred of America so now the entire new stadium stinks of communism. Plus it’s hard to get to and doesn’t have much shade.

He is such a fucking embarrassment.

Oh PLEASE, assholes. PLEASE leave when someone kneels for the anthem. Games will be so much better without you.

I would love...LOVE for that happen. An owner comes out of the box, tells a player to leave, the rest of the team flips the owner the bird and walks out with the player. The owner then demands the equipment staff take the field and it’s like that scene in the Waterboy.