
Come at me all fuckin’ day, dipshit right whinger trolls. I’ve got the quickest dismiss trigger in all of Splinterdom.

The Great White House Reporter Purge

Amazing how Trump is now so suddenly concerned about young women being inappropriately touched.

If this doesn’t lead to a full-on confrontation between every organization that’s a part of the press corps and the administration, then free press in the U.S. will be completely dead.

“We will, however, never tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job

Here’s the video proving 100% that Acosta didn’t hit a woman. TRUMP, SANDERS AND HANNITY ARE LYING SACKS A SHIT!!!!

When is this orange fucking piece of shit going to realize that we citizens and taxpayers (and he is apparently NOT the latter as it seems he nor Javanka pay much if any taxes) own the fucking White House. It’s ours. Press access should be a law, not subject to the whims of a juvenile narcissistic sun-downing bully

In slow mo even

“President Trump believes in a free press and expects and welcomes tough questions of him and his Administration.”

There’s clear video of the interaction (Josh Marshall has it on twitter) and this aide clearly goes after him to try to yank the mic out of his hands repeatedly as he’s trying to ask his question.

Eight years after his first election as governor, an event that shot him to national prominence and began the

And on this day, Donald Trump mounted the “you can’t even compliment a woman anymore” defense for his years of active sexual harassment and assault.

Seriously, anyone who confuses a well-meaning compliment (delivered in the proper context, at the appropriate time) with sexual harassment is either willfully

Would crowdfund.