
Great suggestion, thanks!

I generally don’t eat a lot of meat, but for this motherfucker I will make an exception! I remember loving it!

Listen, my good sir, Arkansas has the Duggar family. That’s what I based my assessment off of. (Also I’m a Missouri resident and we make fun of Arkansas to make ourselves feel better).


Well, cutting food stamps will hurt Walmart’s profits, so maybe the GOP will reconsider this plan.  

I’m cool with more mediocre art if the artists weren’t abusing others for fun and profit.

I doubt they care about anything pertaining to human rights or personal issues.

I have a phE from Trump University. It’s like a phD, but better.

Totally how that works!

I don’t know what the expected turnout is. They’re pretty bitter aryan Ivanka married a Jewish man.

Many US companies were more than happy to take Nazi $$$ prior to US involvement in WW2. Like Standard Oil. 

I dropped the “seeing what they fought for in World War II, I’m glad your father and uncles aren’t alive to hear you defend the rights of Nazis.” to a family member recently. 

Fuck I’d be a-ok with mediocre people getting these opportunities if it means abusers, rapists, and apologists don’t get the work. I don’t even need the replacements to be super talented. :\

I mean we all know feeling really bad about something criminal you did means the charges get vacated, right? That’s totally how it works?

Oh he wouldn’t demolish it.

How far along is your pregnancy and how close are you to finishing your master’s? If close (less than a semester) with the master’s, will finishing it put you in a better place to support yourself?

I disagree. Missouri has 1 abortion provider in the state. I believe there was a plan to finally get another Planned Parenthood to pass the legislative hurdles to allow it, but that got stopped if I recall. We also have a 3 day waiting period.

I would totally try this pretzel! It could be delicious!

There’s one down the street from me. And another about 2 miles the other way. And 2 McDonald’s, Taco Bell, White Castle, Steak’N’Shake, Arby’s, Dunkin Donuts, 2 Lion’s Choice, Jack in the Box, Chick-Fil-A, Cane’s, and Hardee’s all nearby, too.

I knew Missouri would be in the top ten! We have an embarrassing amount of fast food places.