
Super Princess Peach was amazing, so I’m hopeful about this.

The last time Peach had her own game it was amazing, so I’m hopeful here.

It’s not surprising. There’s a reason everyone is in a hurry to move to microtransactions and live service games. You can only sell a full game once, but you can sell gacha pulls and battle passes forever.

It’s not surprising. FF5 wasn’t released in the US until much later, so English speaking gamers don’t have the same sort of nostalgia for it like they do with 4 and 6.

Why the slide show? This whole article could have just been a picture of that chart.


They’re cutting FES and P3P content? It’s the original base game only? WFT? Why would they even bother doing this if they’re going to cut literally ALL of the additional (and better) content?

What the “public” can see and what neighbors can see are not always the same. From my own back yard I can see into the back yards of half a dozen of my neighbors, despite none of them being visible from the street.

You don’t need three prongs for the second set. Just one in the middle is enough.

Wow. That looks waaaaay better then I expected.

I like the part where the Board investigated itself and found itself not-guilty.

I get it, but I’m disappointed by its necessity. I’m all for having a deep, complex story, but if I need supplemental material in order to understand what’s going on then you’ve failed as a storyteller.

I think my favorite part is items names.

FF8 is already on this list, but FF9 and Chrono Cross deserve a mention too. This many years later it’s still blows my mind that Square managed to get graphics like that out of the PS1.

The problem is that the HUD is all or nothing. Yeah, having it on is a cluttered mess, but turning it off hides EVERYTHING, including vital information like your hearts and Ultrahand prompts (I had to google how to rotate and detach items because that information is hidden in “pro” mode.)

Not in “pro” HUD mode, which was my entire issue.

I’m blaming the game for not having better explanations for the basic mechanics. A single prompt that vanishes if you hide the HUD should not be the only place in the entire game that explains a vital game mechanic.

I also spent a looooong time in the tutorial area trying to figure out how to do certain things -and I ‘solved’ some puzzles in ways that I’m 100% sure were not the intended design- and I blame a lot of it on the game settings.

Right? That’s why I can’t take a lot of reviews seriously. A review from a series superfan means nothing (looking at you, Tim Rogers’s DQXI review.) I want a review from a regular person PoV, untainted by fandom bias.

Horses were kind of a weird thing in BotW in the first place. Horses are cool if you want to follow a road from point A to point B, but in a game about climbing every mountain, exploring every cave, and diving in every lake, who does that?