
This looks like a theme park ride.

That’s not always a matter of public record.

While the reaction itself seems beyond overkill, there’s clearly much more to the story here. It feels more likely that this was some sort of bust that horribly wrong, rather than being the random execution of an innocent person.

we’re left with a spinoff that’s careful not to stray too far from a newly unified Mario look and feel. Maybe that comes from a more protective Nintendo that’s careful not to repeat the flaws of its heavily dissected Super Princess Peach.

I’m not talking about making every piece of content super difficulty or grindy. I’m talking about the how the day to day casual content is SO incredibly simple and easy that it gets very boring very quickly. Especially for veteran players who have already been through the cycle a million times before and don’t have

Sure, a difficult boss can be stressful, but high end raiding is only a very small portion of the game, and one that relatively few people interact with.

It’s not that the market is volatile, but that modern AAA games take so incredibly long to make that it’s impossible to keep up with the market. A game idea that sounds brilliant in 2024 may be an outdated flop when it finally comes out in 2028.

Probably. Emulation usually lives in a legally grey area, but once you start charging money for it you cross a pretty clear line.

I know I say this every time, but Nintendo is the only company that truly understands handhelds. Everyone else, from the GameGear to the Vita has tried selling portable consoles, not realizing that what people really want are portable games. Games designed around small screens and short play sessions.

Best entry point is probably 6 (or 10, depending on how important graphics are to you.) 6 isn’t my favorite FF, but it’s a super solid overall complete package that still holds up well even by today’s standards, making it a good starting point for someone who’s not already a fan of the series.

Forbidden West fell very hard into the classic sequel trap of trying make everything bigger, better, and just plain more.

Hm. Where should we go for lunch?
I know! Let’s go to the place that specifically raises their prices at lunch time!

I know everything is opinion, but god damn I love how absurd it looks when you guys post articles like this.

I feel like there are two things at play here regarding this.

Lalafell is absolutely the best race. I mean, just look at the pros vs cons.

That’s a Microsoft decision rather than a SE one. Going back almost 20 years to the PS2/PS3/360 days of FFXI, SE has never required the console’s paid online service in order to play. If this is suddenly changing, but only for Xbox, it’s almost for sure a “MS wants to pocket more of the money” situation.

I’d probably have Akihiko and Fuuka swap places, but aside from that I’m mostly okay with this list.

Not that I recall. Not in the original non-portable version, anyway.

I am so torn on School for Good and Evil. The first book was AMAZING. The rest of the series... not so much. I wish it had remained an amazing one-shot instead of being just a good first entry in an otherwise mediocre series.

Eh. This game is average at best. I can see what it was going for, and it has the occasional flash of brilliance, but overall it didn’t really work. It took what should have been a really interesting story and told it in the most boring possible way. Combine that with gameplay that’s decent, but nothing special