
A lot of that is because the novelty is gone, and that the devs fell hard into the classic sequel trap. The mistaken idea that a sequel has to be bigger, more complex, etc.

Well, yeah. That’s how FOMO meme games work. You come up with a gimmicky idea (Pokemon with guns!), and now people have to buy it otherwise you miss out on all the memes and have no idea what your favorite streamer is talking about.

Did... did this “article” time travel from 2002?

“Is it worth putting my new game on Gamepass/PS+” probably varies widely depending on the circumstances.

As digital sales become an ever large portion of the market, we’ll probably hit a point eventually where there just isn’t enough used game stock to support every store. I could easily see Gamestop move to a “trade ins and used games only available at certain locations” model in the future.

The Nomad came out 29 years ago.

I agree with most of this list, with two exceptions.

While I agree that award shows should let people talk, I also (mostly) agree with the “don’t get political” rules. There are times and places for those speeches and discussions, but this ain’t it.

I just hope they can make the combat good this time around. The “action game but weirdly slow” combat has always been one of the major shortfalls of the series.

Yeah. I absolutely adore the game but it really feels like they missed the opportunity to do more varied dungeons and puzzles. You get all the tools right out of the gate but the game still fell hard into the ‘single tool puzzle design philosophy of the more linear titles. Where are the puzzles that require the

I prefer the original translation, honestly. Yeah, it was rough in places, but that tone fit the game and characters much better (e.g. the famous “Blame yourself or god.”, line.)

AI definitely has value when it comes to game development. Especially in regards to testing where it can automate a lot of the dead simple, but tedious and time consuming things like “run into wall for hours to make sure there aren’t clipping issues.”

They have GOT to let go of David Tennant. Both the writers and the fans are still way too attached to him.

Maybe I just don’t understand how unions rules work in this case or something, but what law was being broken here? Were they supposed to have let the union leaders tell everyone that they were fired rather than doing it directly, or something?

Who else is on Kamala’s Young Avengers list?

Maybe I’m missing something here, but this feels like it shouldn’t be allowed. If those people were actual BioWare employees, sure, but they’re not. They were employed by an outside company that contracted with BioWare.

The biggest challenge with accessibility (in general, not just in video games) is that there are so many different issues, or combinations of issues a person can have that there’s no one set of answers or guidelines that solves everything for everyone. An adaptive controller is great if you have limited use of your

The low difficulty doesn’t bother me one bit.

Nintendo has made it very clear they don’t want it to exist and designed the game in such a way that half the game’s content has to be disabled in order for it to be competitive in the first place

My first character was a Gith warlock and I never regretted that choice even for a second.