
It’s not supposed to be mixing high and low ranks like that. That’s part of what’s broken.

That’s fair. Players have to worry about things like camera angles and clipping through walls in a way that pre-programmed NPCs do not.

Also, the PS2 could play DVDs which was a really big deal back in 2000.

The Vita’s failure was entirely Sony’s own stupid fault. They released a handheld with only console style games and hilariously expensive proprietary memory cards. What did they think was going to happen?

But Odyssey showed me that ancient Greeks could be fuckups. They could be horny, lazy, and selfish.

The best Assassin’s Creed

While blockchain doesn’t inherently mean crypto and NFTs, given its current history it’s hard not to see it that way, and throwing around meaningless buzzwords does nothing to alleviate that concern.

A large part of it is expectations. The sheer incompatibility of your childhood memories vs modern game design. Add too many new things and people complain that it’s not what they remember, but too many new things and people complain that the game feels old and unplayable. When it comes to old, established series like

Please tell me they can only breed with each other. If you mate one with a Ditto the offspring would no longer be pure-bread.

The biggest challenge with accessibility features (in anything, not just games) is that there are so many different issues or combination of issues a person can have. Needs vary greatly and no game can possibly have every feature every player could ever want.

but we love to see accountability for rising movie stars who typically go on to be entitled fuckboys, and this is probably a good way for Schnapp to learn not to violate a woman’s privacy.

I need more details before forming an opinion on this. We’re clearly missing a a large chunk of the story. If the officers really spent an hour trying to talk her down but still shot her in the end it’s obvious something happened to escalate the situation.

This feels like an honest mistake. An incredibly unfortunate and inconveniently timed mistake, to be sure, but given the circumstances and how quickly it was fixed it’s also hard to assume malice .

That’s not really a fair comparison. Mario’s style lends itself better to 3D in the first place. The jumping, platforms, stomping on enemies, and such was always Mario’s gimmick. Sonic’s on the other hand is “gotta go fast.” That means much bigger levels and spaces needed to build op the momentum and then KEEP GOING.

Of course people are using it like this. It would be stranger if they weren’t.

While great, I always looks at this like this and think, why wait this long? Why wasn’t NG+ available at launch?

Well, at least I have another year to maybe find a PS5.


I love This Is Us’ steadfast belief that “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” is some profoundly unique piece of wisdom and not a super common saying.

That video clip is honestly one of the most unintentionally hilarious things I’ve seen in ages.