
Hopefully, masking while sick and during outbreaks is now normalized enough in the U.S. that we may be able to avoid the devastating flu seasons we once accepted as routine.

This is one of the wackiest, most nonsensical lists I’ve see here in ages. I don’t know exactly what I was expecting, but it was definitely not any of these things (except maybe Skyward Sword.)

Honestly, this reveals literally nothing. Sure, it could mean time travel, but it could also just be spirits or flashbacks like in the first game. Without more context, saying “a character exists” is completely meaningless information.

Also, foods tends to stay fresher left in their own packaging. Why pour that new cereal into the canister to get stale, rather than just leaving it the sealed bag until you need it?

Nintendo is understandably a bit annoyed at Kotaku right now:

But Overwatch is in a really bad place right now anyway, given that it’s a game that really hasn’t lent itself well to being a spectator sport to be enjoyed by non-players

unlike all those other games about doing your taxes or raking the lawn!”

That whole Thebes section was completely pointless and unnecessary but it kind of worked anyway. It was incredibly stupid but also a very Ted Faro-like thing to do so I was okay with it even though it was completely bonkers.

There’s a middle ground between the Ubisoft “over-explain everything” and the FromSoftware “explain nothing” approaches. Personally I think the ideal is something like Horizon ZD/FW where all the UI elements are very clear about what they are and what they mean, but mostly stay hidden until you ask for it or enter

Why does Valkyrie Elysium looks like it’s from 2009?

The problem with Nemesis as a villain is that now that the Zeniths are gone so is its motivation for destroying Earth. It already got its revenge. Now what?

The problem with Nemesis as a villain is that now that the Zeniths are gone so is its motivation for destroying Earth. It already got its revenge. Now what?

One final and very funny reason Miele cites is Halo: Infinite, a game that is not Battlefield 2042, which came out around the same time and apparently created a comparison for multiplayer shooter fans that “was not favourable because Halo Infinite was a very polished title whereas Battlefield 2042 contained bugs

I don’t care if this is intended as boilerplate legalese, any company still “evaluating” their plans in this space, given everything we now know about it, can get in the bin.

That was my first thought too. That more likely this was an early starter area that got cut.

introduces improvements like the ability to disable random encounters

This right here is why I have so much trouble playing most open world games. I end up spending so much in the opening sections that I burn myself out before the game really even starts.

Was he ever a wonderful human though?

I’m not saying that all slurs are equal and that context doesn’t matter. I’m saying it doesn’t matter in this particular instance. As slurs go ‘cracker’ is definitely on the lesser end (clearly indicated by the fast that we can actually say it, rather than talking around it or ***ing it out), but that’s not relevant

A slur is a slur no matter who it’s aimed at. The target being white people doesn’t make it somehow okay.