
It’s one of those things that’s brilliant conceptually but frustrating in practice. There’s a fine line between tension and annoyance and that duty did NOT walk it well. I should have been engaged in the scenario, while instead I spent most of it thinking “god damn I hope I don’t fail for no good reason and have to

And to be fair, they did as much as they could. Upgrading the existing servers and extending queues, and such, but there’s a limit to what they can do with just the current equipment.

“Good” is relative because it depends a lot on the viewer. Who cares if it’s bad or I wouldn’t like it today? The fact that late 30s me can look at an old movie more objectively doesn’t somehow negate the enjoyment teenage me got out of it 25 years ago.

Given how rough some previous launches were, combined with the huge influx of new players this year, if they says they need more time to ensure stability I’m all for it. The game’s not going anywhere. I can wait a few more weeks.

I’m still wondering why they gender swapped Makkari. While for the most part the gender of the characters doesn’t really matter (Ajak and Sprite I have no issue with), Makkari, and to some extent his million year on-and-off romance with Sersi, was the main focus of Gaiman’s revival. With that being most people’s only

The hell is with those prices? I know official stuff always comes at a markup, but I could recreate that tee shirt for like $12.

I cannot believe some Kotaku editor okayed this article. Advocating piracy ONE DAY after a game launches? Are you freaking kidding me?

Stupid video game jokes are not what your employees are complaining about Blizzard.

The biggest problem with non-Nintendo handhelds is that Nintendo is the only company that really understands handhelds as a concept. Everyone else, from the Game Gear to the Vita tried to sell us portable consoles. Problem is, people don’t want portable consoles. They want handhelds. Small, light systems with long

Rollo > Hootle

The problem with gigants is that, especially early on, you may spend more in gels and life bottles while fighting them than you get from killing them.

On the other hand, the PS3 is now two generations old and the Vita is a dead system (don’t get me wrong, I love my Vita, but let’s be honest here.) Sony was likely already planning on discontinuing PS3 and Vita servers and this was a convenient time to do it. I agree that Sony should have communicated better with the

.....and who wants to bet this bro is gonna lead to a Galactus tease?

Well that’s a wildly misleading headline. “The WoW community is in shambles” and “Asmongold’s has fanatical followers” are two completely different subjects.

People are allowed to have opinions.

saying that when Space Jam was released, Micahel Jordan was the “biggest celebrity in the world” whereas LeBron has not reached those heights.

The original Space Jam worked because it had the exact right star at the exact right time. In 1996 Jordan was one of the biggest sports stars in the world. He and the Bulls were at the forefront of pop culture at the time. Combine that with Bugs Bunny and the movie was an easy sell even to people who didn’t care or

Wait, you mean to tell me that meat and plants have different nutrients? Shocking news!

Reduced load times? How...? This game already has the fastest load times I’ve ever seen in a modern game, even on my original non-pro PS4.

Have you ever seen a child before? They’ll make fun of you for anything.