
Sure, but there are also people who don’t go to bars in the first place specifically because they can’t or don’t want to be around alcohol. “Just don’t drink if you don’t want to” is easy for some people but impossible for others.

You laugh, but it’s actually kind of a brilliant concept. There are a lot of people who don’t drink alcohol but still like the idea of drinking and bars as a social setting.

Kind of. He’s a physical anchor for a primal, in the same way Ysayle and Ryne were summoning Shiva. He’s still at least sort of a person underneath. He’s definitely still an unsundered Ascian, just with extra baggage on top of that.

Shadowbringers as a whole has been an amazingly good expansion. The story, the characters, finally making the Ascians interesting after years of being cartoon villains plotting in the dark, the way the tied together pretty much everything. It’s just incredible.

Sorry, but no. I will read an article. I will NOT click through a slideshow.

and the princess Mint trying to oust her sister from the throne.

There’s always going to be at least somewhat of an endgame grind. That’s how MMOs work.

This is one of the most unreadable clusterfucks of a site I have ever seen. I can’t even tell what I’m looking it.

This is why always laugh at the concept of vanilla servers. Most people don’t actually want vanilla back. They want to be clueless, starstruck newbies again. Classic servers can’t give you that. All they can do is let you run old-school Strat a few times for the nostalgia.

One of the big differences between this and .hack is that the devs here seem to have actual MMO experience. Pretty much every other ‘takes place in an MMO’ story -.hack, SAO, Log Horizon, OSO, etc- feels like it was made by someone who had only heard of MMOs and never actually played one before. CrossCode on the other

This is cool I guess, but why now? This would have made a lot more sense 12 years ago.

IIRC, a few months back they talked about how working from home was really hard because of the way the test servers and security around them was set up. Most of the development systems were never designed to be accessed from outside the office.

What on earth were they thinking with the character designs? If they couldn’t get the permission/license/whatever to use the actual MCU designs they should have gone the Spider-man route and designed their own. This cheap MCU knockoff look is just so, so bad.

Why is this a video rather than an article? I would read an article. I am not going to watch a 15 minute video.

Unless you’re Nintendo, who launched the Switch with a freaking Zelda game.

Despite what the Wendy’s twitter account would have you think, companies and organizations are not people. My company’s FB page exists to talk about the business, new products, announce sales and events, etc. You know, business related things. Why should I have to possibly risk a boycott if I don’t suddenly turn it

Agreed. Crisis Core was shockingly good. I’m honestly really surprised that it never got a PS3/4/Vita port.

Admittedly I’m not any sort of expert on figure quality, but those all look fine to me even up close. Especially for $7, what “basic quality” isn’t there?

I swear, I will never understand why people like this game so much. The story was just so... bland. It took a really great concept and executed it in the most boring way possible.

The coconut Cheerios are surprisingly good. Not amazing, but a lot better than I expected.