Fuck Konami.
Fuck Konami.
I, personally, feel like a jackass owning three 3DS — I’ve never owned multiple of a system before.
I have a Legend of Zelda limited edition 3DS (the small black one), the Tonka Toy-like 3DSXL, and recently got a New, New, New? 3DS.
The small one is still my favorite.
My father was a big enough fan of the X-men and Cyclops (and Scotty from Star Trek) in general, that he named me after him. Not sure what that says about my father, really. But thats two more fans for Team Cyclops.
Half-Life 3 is the joke, at this point.
Anti-gamer or Anti-Christ?
Gotta give it to you; I wouldn’t of been able to throw out those consoles and games if I found them. Hah or knowing me, if I did, I’d of just dragged them back when I thought no-one was looking and stashed them. Or hid them in a garage of something.
I involuntarily clutched my chest reading that. Why the fuck did he make you throw that out?
Some small, tiny part of me that still has my that childhood like optimism that being a grown-up somehow hasn’t fully destroyed, was holding out hope that the end of your story was going end with GabeN e-mailing you back with a few positive words and a “Thank You.”
Come on, Red Dead Redemption..
Not in a world where we have 47 Assassin’s Creed games and 692 Call of Duty variations.
They both are, actually, wearing belts. “Power Save” belts to help them suppress their power to help “regulate” its movement and hold back its “energy” - because without it they would be “unstoppable.”
Dismantle fans. And also pick up any useless weapons raiders and enemies have, and bring them back to your (or to a) weapon bench and dismantle them — many of them have screws and other materials that can be scavenged off of them. You’ll need to invest in the perk first, however.
You misspelled “derp.”
My ad-blocker will come off when - and only when - ads are safe, and don’t jeopardize my rigs health with Malware.
I thought one of the features of Assassin’s Creed is all the amazing NPC glitches the entire series has, causing strange shit to happen.
Sometime between 1998 and late 2001.
Reading all of this has been interesting - since my name is Scott. But I’ve been a good Scott my entire life. Not falling to the Dark Side of the Scott. I think.
Towards the cross-roads of “Disappontment” and “Failed Expectation” avenue.
Well look at Mr. Fancy Pants over here with his national heath care, endless maple syrup and library stocked to the brim with free games.
Holy Robot Testicles, someone else that knows of Choice of Robots, but actually has played it too?
This story is more amusing in my head if I view it as a Weekend at Bernies theme. Where after you inadvertantly kill D-Dog with a rocket launcher, you take his dead body, prop him up in the passenger side, with some sunglasses over his eyes and maybe a banadana around his neck. And as you drive down a road, D-Dog…