
Where was cool and real Kim when her family and husband slut shaming Amber? He did like literally last month. Where was this empowered Kim? Oh I get, slut shaming is wrong when it only concerns her. And people aren't slut shaming her, they are attention whore shaming her, big difference. Let me know when this

I agree completely with her points about slut shaming, but it’s undeniable how much of the Kardashian brand is based on having a perfect image and promoting something that is unattainable for most people. Let’s not pretend that what she puts out there is telling women that they should embrace their flaws.

I agree with everything you said except that I think you laid out almost all the reasons why she isn’t a good person.

“I don’t want her to grow up in a world where she is made to feel less-than for embracing everything it means to be a woman.”

I’m right there with you. I’m also exhausted over the THIS CELEBRITY IS THE BEST I LOVE HIM/HER SOOOO MUCH EVERYTHING THEY SAY IS PERFECT mania that inevitably devolves into outrage and hatred before a new celebrity love is found and put on a pedestal before being soundly dumped off.

Except...she doesn’t show her flaws, nor does she accept herself the way she is, and neither does her husband.

Thank you for pointing that out! I love how every time I point out Clinton’s hypocrisy I get *crickets*. When you use facts against her and her own words *crickets* or well the “Republicans are worst!” like that is something to be proud of. This whole race discussion makes me sick because Sanders is still learning and

Notice how many comments your post received?

Nobody knows what Hillary plans to do other than keep the status quo. Erica Garner (daughter of Eric Garner) called out Clinton. Called her a flip-flopper and uses blacks for political gain...*crickets* from the mainstream media and Hillary supporters. Ashley Williams confronts Hillary at a private fund-raising event

I don’t mind that as much as how it was taken out of context. He was actually addressing the issues that people are using the comment to accuse him of not understanding. Fucking Clinton. I’m going to hate voting for her conniving political ass so much. But hey, she wins, right? And an evil manipulative monster

The Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins would like to have a word with you.

similarly-oppressed group

The author makes a black history month reference in the second sentence and one of his headers is “Some of my best friends are black” so it isn’t exactly surprising that people are framing the discussion the same way he has.

I will admit, one of the most annoyingly funny things as a black person is when there is some marginal issue/story of racism in the news, then your white friend gets way to hyped and mad about how racist that issue is.

Did you not read the rule book.? White people haven’t been black, so they can’t talk about what a black person might experience. (Most) Men haven’t been women, so they can't talk about what a woman might experience. Apparently everyone has lived life as a white male though, so everyone can make whatever assumption,

Hello, Black Americans. We understand your issue with race and all, and I’mma let you finish, but we’ve really been screwed over for a couple hundred years longer than you and nobody seems to give a shit any more.

I really do think this is a situation where you have to let people make up their own minds though and not demand a one size fits all solution because by saying that Cosby(accused by dozens of women) demands the same response as Allen(accused by one woman) you’re already on a slippery slope. What about statutory rape?

I thought only one person had accused each of them.

I find the Roman Polanski one inexcusable, there is no doubt that he drugged and sodomised that poor young girl.

I think part of the reason is that Bill Cosby stars front and center of The Cosby Show. He is visible in almost every scene. Someone can watch Chinatown and have no idea that it was directed by a person who would be arrested for rape if he ever set foot in the US again (Polanski).