
I just want to take a second to point out how you two handled this like grown ass people! You had a disagreement, possibly misunderstanding one another, but you didn’t go straight for one another’s throats.

Ok people need to shut up with this. She modeled for them a long ass time ago when smoking was a cool thing to do

WTF is this comment?

Well to be fair, Cheryl Tiegs is sixty-eight now, a full 40 years older than the target of her preposterous sniping. I don’t want to hate on her because she’s no longer young and lush and ... jesus christ look at Ashley Graham’s FACE. Sorry, got distracted. Anyway. I will, however, hate on her for being a

Best director is second only to best picture, to pretend it doesn’t exist is disingenuous. Sure, say they are underrepresented, which is very true. But you weaken your argument with false absolutes.

Really? The diversity issue was only about the actor category? Did not know that.

Chris Rock was a good choice to address the issue of race. Chris Rock was a lousy choice if the aim was for nobody to come away offended. He’s never been a paragon of progressive comedy.

I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!

Was hoping for ‘kabloom’

“The Body in the Garden” by Sprochete. Chapter 1

That foreign you’re speaking is AWFULLY suspicious. Seems like you may HAVE BEEN TO FRANCE. So you like going on trips and renting rooms? Well, you’re going to be going on a trip now alright, but the windows have bars and the turn down service is a nightmare. So you like baguettes? You’re going to a place where

But Chris Rock is black, which is why he spoke of the black experience in Hollywood. Why are blacks expected to do the heavy lifting while other minority groups benefit from our activism then remain silent when it really counts?

I admit I might be biased because I identify as an atheist, but I have trouble accepting the idea that religion is so important that it needs to be accommodated as much as possible. I understand not discriminating against people for their religion, and providing reasonable religious accommodations at a person’s place

Nah, it IS easy, we just make it complicated because we start from the position that everyone’s beliefs are inherently worthy of being respected.

They aren’t. I don’t care if that makes me sound uncaring. But it’s the 21st goddamn century and this superstitious bullshit and the kowtowing we do for it has got to fucking

Okay, not that anyone else cares but jinni did the research (read: typed into a Google Search Box) and has come up with a list for my belles:

Colloquial irony, as I’m sure you know. But I can tell you’re on a mission...

Yeah, I am actually old, and I hate it when friends gleefully report on how much so-and-so from high school has aged as though it’s a moral failing, rather than simply (mostly) the luck of the genetics draw.


Look at all of those smug bitches up top. I love when people tear down someone else based on looks. Like, what do you look like boo boo? Let's see some pics.

Remember when Jezebel was anti body-snarking? Anyone? Anyone?