
Look, in KG’s case on NYE I definitely think she was in the “putting it out there for comment” category, and I am hesitant to...ahem...jump down Don Lemon’s throat for his comment.

He is the worst for other reasons, but she took off her top and she has breast implants. Come on. Do you really think she was offended? She was prancing around topless. And I say this as someone who is a sex-worker.

Two words: Spacial recognition. Secondly, how do you know you haven’t?

Can academia just put a suspension on insecure science and math majors who feel the need to piss on every other field of thought? We get it, you can do the stuff other people use calculators for. You can stop talking about it now.

Probably much more well-rounded than a troll using a burner account.

I’m an early childhood teacher and I am speaking about child development.

I am actually a working artist.

Gosh. There are so many layers to this I’m not sure where to begin without being offensive so I’ll start with the obvious.

Quoting a relatively unoffensive Bible verse makes someone a Bible thumper? K.

But Michael Fassbender is a man so he is allowed to actually be an actor and just capture the spirit of Steve Jobs. If you’re a woman you must mutilate yourself to physically capture a role and then get criticized for not then capturing the spirit of the person.

Thanks for that Randilyn! I still think that his 2004 album Come on Feel the Illinoise is one of the great modern American albums. It’s genius almost beyond description.

The original 1937 version starred Janet Gaynor and Frederic March. The Judy Garland version was a remake, not the original.

Launching, yes. Being funny, not so much.

I get what she’s saying but I also think she’s overly generalizing. I used to eat the way Nigella ate. her idea of moderation made me break out, feel lethargic and generally unhappy. I now eat a ‘clean diet’ (i dont call it that bc it’s stupid term but 90% of what I eat would probably make Nigella want to kill

Bill Murray was accused of spousal abuse during an acrimonious divorce; the allegation was later withdrawn. Who gives a shit?

I’m all about finding diverse stories to tell, BUT. If you’re a blonde woman with a production company and you want to buy the rights to a story that will be starring YOU....

There’s an awful lot of snark in this post. Are we supposed to hate Reese Witherspoon? Is it because she’s blonde? I am confused.

Young, scared, pregnancy hormones, fear, tepidation......
The baby is safe that’s all that matters.

Because a lot of women do love this movie? And a lot of men mock it, and harsh on the characters in it, for this very reason?