
They’re both good to great filmmakers. No need to pit them against each other. Dumb of QT to talk dismissively of a movie he hadn’t seen.

Not even close.

This weekend I caught myself nodding along to a Bruce Springsteen song. Then I realized as a New Yorker I shouldn’t be appropriating the worldview of a New Jersey-born songwriter whose struggles I shall never know.

The husband just released this statement. I’m just about in tears because he seems so genuinely NICE and in love with her:

“I haven’t seen the first Zoolander but there is a trans person and I want to make a fuss about it!”

Isee it as similar to “All in the Family.” Archie Bunker was THE WORST, but no one took him seriously. He highlighted the absurdity of all kinds of bigotry and we were supposed to laugh at him and his beliefs.

It is so funny that modern “progressives” are the new version of what pearl clutching religious moms were in the 80s.

It’s a good question. I think we’ve crossed a line and can’t ever go back to the Bowie and Manson era. It’s funny, because in a way the message has become about removing boundaries and categorizations of people, but at the same time I think Manson, being a heterosexual and dressing the way he did, would be perceived

it really is a bit of a dilema, but from a main standpoint. by only limiting yourself to having trans people play trans characters, you are going to only have .2% of the population to chose from. and i think even trans rights activists can admit, there are very few who are as good of actors as Jard Leto or Glen Close

This movie is a travesty. Spreading the prejudice that models are stupid, it’s terribly looksist. #notallmodels

What my own trans friends and family have said is basically, “I wasn’t offended by the trailer but a bunch of cis people told me to be...”

Oh, step on a rusty nail, haters. This is clearly a parody of the absurdity of the fashion world these days and not transphobic at all. I don’t even think he is supposed to be transgender in the first place. I think he’s supposed to be alien-like. Which is also a joke on how people have compared Cumberbatch’s

My boss regularly steals on his corporate credit card (personal expenses, restaurants on weekends, tire changes for his car, buys presents for his family when he travels...). Hasn’t been fired yet.

This is local news for me. The worst part is reading the comments on the times Union website. Most people support Walmart’s decision.

BRB gonna go ask your parents at what age you learned to not be condescending

I don’t care what KK does one way or the other, but wouldn’t it be a brilliant PR move for her to get Kanye to donate 1 million dollars to mothers living below the poverty line who get no paid maternity leave as a “push present”?