Matt Trakker

Ahh, L.A. Noire...a game that Steam says I last played on January 3, 2016, and which I really only needed to play through once to feel like I’d seen all of it. Had I not picked it up cheap-as-chips during the 2014 Steam Holiday Sale (it appears I paid $7.49 for it according to my purchase history), I’d have felt a bit

So much so. I watched “The Queen at 90" whenever it was first on Netflix and Charles and the Queen are watching old home movies.
The queen has individual comments on individual people she sees. What they were doing during that holiday, where they had just come from, something unique about that person or event or

Borish, dull and rude. Clearly, not gifted with great intelligence. As I’ve realized, with personal experience, that all aristocratic Brits are the same.

Literally. This was the first time he was seeing Harry.

All he had to do was chose to stay with Camilla from the beginning. OR choose Diana and leave Camilla alone. Stringing them both along, hmming and hawwwing about what to do is what caused this. You’re right, while neither Camilla or Diana were angels in this whole drama, the blame for the mess lays squarely with the

Apparently he also bitched about Harry being a boy and a redhead. Charles wanted a boy and a girl in that order.

Charles famously told Diana that he didn’t intend to be the only Prince of Wales in centuries not to have mistresses.  That’s the point at which I would have told him to get stuffed and filed for divorce.

He’s the real villain. Camilla and Diana aren’t perfect, sure, but Charles caused all of this with his giant man-baby-ness. 

Just finished episode two of the latest season. Charles is portrayed as the biggest Eeyore. The rest of the episode really brings home what these incredibly rich people do for fun and entertainment. All that stalking of the glens and being so thrilled to literally rack up another dead stag. How anachronistic can you

They did cast him in a good light, but also very carefully built up the base of the ‘it’s all about ME. ME ME ME.’ that this season really drove home. 

Oh yeah he’s awful, but I guess when you’re raised to do whatever someone else tells you without question, Charles is the result.

Yeah, I hope Elizabeth makes it to 112 and keeps him out of it 

Charles, real and fictional, is such a worthless weenie, oh my god.

So I know that the show is fiction, but I believe it, more or less. I mean, I remember all of the ‘80s and ‘90s royal drama and the scenarios posited by The Crown fit the narrative very very well.

I like that it doesn’t have anything to say. What is it you need to be told by television?

Cindy is still out there with powers similar to Neuman if they wanted another patsy.

Last week I was surprised that Ryan turned so quickly on Becca and accused her of being a liar, and people pointed out in the comments that, well, kids can be jerks

Another SJW cunt review.

The whole - both sides are bad - take also annoyed me. This is such a bullshit to use especially when one side is actually actively preaching hurting people. And it was clearly there for shock value. But this is what we got and now we have to live with it.

Definitely hit more than a few false notes this episode, but I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt on the whole “AOC = Antagonistic Overpowered Congresswoman” reveal. The Boys has proven to be a touch more smartly-written than the source material would imply, and more so than the naysayers give it credit