Matt Trakker

Except that royal rumble would likely take place over Twitter knowing them.

I was envisioning something way more annoying like a Spice Girls song - because a problem like that would never have a good song playing lol.

I’m of the belief now that every Tesla fanboy online is just Musk - the man has figured out internet transcendence and is the voice of every every Tesla fanboy worldwide.

Don’t tell anybody.... but I think the base model Corolla is still using a 4 speed - like right now. Today. In 2018.

Agreed - the only place this behemoth will be sitting is in front of whatever building its owner decides to visit.

The legendary bowl cut. When your parents have no idea how to cut hair - or have no idea that barbers exist.

Could’ve used this kid when my daughter did the exact same thing in my wifes BMW several years back.

They’re both dumb fun - but I give Talladega Nights the edge - because it already knows its dumb fun.

Yes. But you still have to love Ricky Bobby. Because “if you ain’t first... you’re last”.

Top Gun with race cars - accurate description. Worth watching just for the rental car scene alone. And the fine young ginger named Nicole Kidman.

Well... if someone finds a finger in the glove box of their brand new Model 3 - I think we’ll know why.

And only driving it at top speed of about 30 knots here as well.

You forgot the keyword here - Mississippi. The cops probably took out their phones too.

Walmart: Well the barriers are fine - so if wants to make his shitty car even more shitty - we’re okay with that.

And fire!!! And weapons!!! And hunting!!! And... I’m noticing a violent pattern here....

Depends on what your definition of luxury is. If its wood grain, leather, heated/cooled seats, comfy ride, big engine, then guess what - those “fancy trimmed” trucks qualify.

Hey, to go German is all about that awesome driving experience, badge snobbery and license to cut off everybody in traffic. Or at least that’s the way it seems.

Veedub. Nuff said.

Clark looks like he could pick up that Accent and roll it across the floor with the rest of his Matchbox collection.

Very upscale ride now - if you took the Honda badges off this and used Acura badges I doubt anyone would notice. Which is actually part of Acura’s problem now.