Matt Trakker

Agreed. I give Craigs Bond a pass due to the off the wall action scenes - but yeah... he’s always pissed off isn’t he?

I won’t LOL at it - but I would say for the money I’ll take a Z06 - a track toy that I know can legitimately hang with anything costing four times as much. This is more of a dragstrip toy. Different strokes for different folks.

So basically -we’re still paying for the options in that $20k extra over a Hellcat - but not really paying for it? Okay.

Aww what a great dad, that cardboard Switch he made makes me wanna give him all the Switches!!!


His life story would make an excellent drama - always thought that. The Delorean was just an interesting sidenote compared to everything else that happened to him.

You know there might actually be couple of kilos in that trunk - hey... the 80s...

Chicagoan here - our interstates could double for obstacle courses. Pothole, pothole, accident, speed up, slam brakes, pothole, construction, road rage incident, gapers delay, rinse and repeat.

Looks like my normal commute to work every morning.

Still waiting for this flying car - which seemed to run on some form of beer.

See - this is one of the things I love about this site. Deep down - we’re all still 10 yrs old - and want to see what happens to things when you do shit you know you shouldn’t be doing.

Pretty sure Toyota still supplies them with all their engines.

How I feel watching abused classics that I can’t do anything about.

Whats this - are we crowdfunding a racetrack?

Well look at that - I thought all Yugos had done the ashes to ashes - dust to dust thing by now.

Umm... I just got a Pi 3 emulator and I’m using a USB controller thats a dead ringer for the original SNES controller. It basically comes down to - do you wanna play? - or do you wanna be nostalgic about the whole thing? For me - it basically came down to I just wanna have them and play them. So Nintendo can keep

I’m right there with you - I just did this last month as I refuse to pay $160+ to the Amazon scalpers. A Pi 3, cheap casing(didn’t have to look like a NES), sd card, SNES style USB controller, power supply, 10 minutes of googling the setup and I was done. If Nintendo had just made more Classics to meet demand I’d

This. With a Retropie you can make all the Classics you want with a few more than 30 games lol.

The Canyonero will always get a star from me.

Woah... I think this Gator just overtook the Escalade for me. Outside of that screen that everybody wants to prop up on the dash (this trend needs to die) - I can’t find a damn thing I hate about it. I’m impressed how close they stuck to the concept (minus the gullwing doors) - I think this stayed closer to the