A federal judge in Austin has issued an injunction that effectively prevents Texas from cutting Medicaid funds to…
A federal judge in Austin has issued an injunction that effectively prevents Texas from cutting Medicaid funds to…
Swedes completed the three stages of processing a blatant Trump administration lie (confusion, followed by anger,…
On Wednesday, Politico published clips from a 1990 Oprah episode about domestic abuse, featuring the disguised…
Aaaaand this is exactly why undocumented people don’t report crimes, whether they are the victim or a witness or have some other relevant information. The people who instigate these raids are idiots, making it a hundred times harder to fight real crime. Also, how fucking cruel!
They do this in my state - the weather channel/news will hype up OMG WE ARE GETTING SIX-TWELVE INCHES OF SNOW OVERNIGHT!!!!! In Colorado in the winter, they act like 6-12 inches of snow is an apocalypse. Nevermind that in our area, 6-12 inches usually means like 3-4 inches and is not a big deal really at all.
On Sunday evening, Laverne Cox used her short time introducing Lady Gaga and Metallica to urge viewers to Google…
Okay. If he used his own phone. But this idiot used his wife’s phone. Tha isn’t a glitch. That’s stupidity.
This guy is definitely a dick but if there was truly a glitch in the app, he certainly should sue for the privacy breach. Companies like Uber have a responsibility of keeping client info private - otherwise people such as domestic violence victims could have a lot worse happen to them than divorce.
not logging out of an app is not a bug you complete brie covered buffoon
Made in China? But isn’t Trump gonna bring jobs to America?
She could have been hemorrhaging, her placenta could have detached, any number of things could have been wrong. Do think these “officers” really thought in medical terms, or do you think they got off on the power trip of watching her twist in pain?
In HER case, it meant that she SHOULD have been talen to the hospital immediately, though.
It also might have been a placental abruption and it’s fatal to the baby and sometimes also the mother. DEFINITELY not their call to make.
I get the point you are trying to make, but you can actually beat anyone in Russia.
Just gonna throw this out there because it’s very heavy on my mind.
HOW IS THIS SHIT LEGITIMATELY HAPPENING IN 2017?!?!? I need a fucking drink and a xanax. I can’t handle the constant heaps of garbage in the news.
Enough. This isn’t a feminist issue (and I’m a fucking banshee feminist). It’s about common decency. If Hillary were walking in, she would almost certainly have waited for Bill. A lesbian or gay man would wait for their partners as well. It’s not about what men should do, or what Republicans do, or Democrats, etc.…
To me it is such a sexist vestigial remain. Like, she wasn’t elected, she isn’t getting paid for the position, but she is still expected to do a whole bunch of work because her husband is President. And people threw a shit-fit when Michelle Obama commented that there should be some kind of compensation for the First…