She told police she’s been going through some “trials and tribulations”
She told police she’s been going through some “trials and tribulations”
This person belongs in an institution, and CPS needs to come for her kid.
Yes, most of the land mass is unpopulated, but people also don’t go there, so no biggie. Most who do, use other forms of transport than cars to get there. De-carbonizing them will be a different project.
If only she’d stuck with putting family-friendly, inoffensive things on her car, like Confederate flags or “Blue Lives Matter” stickers...
They don’t specify which god, so I’d get a Pastafarian sticker to put next to it. #TouchedByHisNoodlyAppendage.
Better parts availability, though, and if they’re really like Cuba, there’ll be a newer (still old) EV chassis underneath.
Who shit in your corn flakes this morning?
What the hell are you on aboot? He didn’t mention any superlatives about Canada, just noting that it’s another country that has pledged (not banned) to phase out gas cars.
Did you misread the headline or something? It says “Canada Becomes Latest Country...”.
Honestly I would be more offended with “In God We Trust” on my license plate. I would get some black tape and cover up that crap.
Thank you for saying this. The self-centeredness about this handicapped parking thing been disheartening, so I appreciate you saying that. I’m disabled and rely on a rolling walker everywhere I go (never very far), and I *still* have people questioning me sometimes for parking in a handicapped spot (even though I have…
When I do see them used I often see a perfectly able person stick a placard on the mirror then waltz on into the store.
This just sucks overall for EV owners. Charging spots are already so limited and will only get more scarce as more EVs hit the road, and Biden’s Infrastructure plan isn’t moving gears anytime soon. By nature of installation cost, chargers have to be close to the power source, ie close to buildings so they usually…
He has a 40k+ car. He can afford the parking permit.
You must have the special “medical detection vision” that allows you to look at a person and determine if a person is disabled or not. Just an FYI, thanks to Covid the ranks of people who don’t look handicapped but are entitled to use those spaces are skyrocketing.
Most EV owners are peak assholes themselves from experience
You’re not broke if you have a $40k lifestyle vehicle. He could very easily sell that, buy a slightly used and still reeeally nice car for $20k, and pay for 80 years of parking.
I checked and, yeah, Texas Southern general parking permits are $250 or more, and I can totally sympathize with a broke college kid not wanting to pay that.
It may be stupid, but it’s a life-affirming sort of stupid. The kind of stupid that makes my day just thinking about it.