
You are assuming that because this show, BCS starts off showing Saul at that Cinnabon it means that that is the end of the road for Saul.
This show is not BB, it can go anywhere and it doesn't have to be played out in a linear timeline.
See how easy Gilligan not only filled in the backstory of how Mike came to be in

"Part of the genius of it is that we don't necessarily disagree with what Chuck is saying."

I know. I hope it doesn't happen. I didn't really like Kim at first.. didn't think she deserved Jimmy even as just a friend. Not that I wanted her to get killed. But I didn't really give a shit about her. I kept thinking there must be some reason why Jimmy likes her so much.

Oh, you should go and reread it at HF… there are no spoilers.

Yup. Agree 100% And lol on the bonus points.

Me too

YUP! Fair or not, every time I see a post justifying what Chuck did to his own brother, a brother who has taken very, very good and tender care of him…the arguments just sound, well, as arrogant as Chuck.
Ivy league types…funny how people used the argument against nepotism for being a reason not to hire Jimmy. I wonder

There's that word, again. Unjust. And betrayal.Jimmy has always ended up on the side of what is right. What is just. He may not arrive there in a completely holy fashion, but he gets there, just the same.
And betrayal.. Judas sells out for silver. Chuck sells out for a more modern type of "silver"

Well, I don't know all that much about religion. But I mentioned in an earlier post that "who knows, maybe Jimmy finds redemption, in more ways than one.

In the scene where she turns down Jimmy's offer of that big, beautiful corner office, she told Jimmy that HHM payed for her law school education

You, however, obviously have seen Florida.

Evidently, you haven't been to Florida.

Or maybe even Kim? She might be collateral damage?

My exact thought! I was just about to mention that. What a horrible thing that was… just full of dread, awful, awful dread.

Oh my, yes! Dead on

Need a posse?

Gilligan and Gould said the last two episodes of the season would be crazy, and the episode's title put in mind of a certain fried chicken Chilean. I was preparing myself for Chuck's assassination, but we got an emotional killing instead.

Yes…just more proof of how little he thinks of Jimmy.
'Jimmy…Jimmy…. come on, come back in the house.
It had such a tone of unspoken left off end of that sentence.
He's like all put out, exasperated. Like shaking his head and saying to himself "jesus, can you believe this shit I gotta put up with"

I'd take Jimmy as a friend, any day, over Chuck. A Chuck. Any Chuck.
Jimmy might be a lot of things, but an asshole, ain't one of 'em.
He's a good brother. Something Chuck knows nothing about. He knows what loyalty is. And heart, he has gigantic heart.
He was never just taking care of Chuck out of a sibling obligation.
