
the victim had to go TO hospital. ;0

Even for the AVCLUB and all its fucking around and joking.. that comment is disgusting

I remember, too. It bombed, big time. It got terrible reviews and they crucified Pacino.
I think there is the "knucklehead" factor plays in that there are always going to be some who like it because of all the mayhem and violence.
But, I wonder, too. Is it like what happened to Shawshank? That movie only got really

That's true. And you can't even catch up with Comcast On Demand. Only the current season 3 is available.

I'm not the one who IS relating the two. You are.
I just pointed out that she fails to see these traits, venal or mortal, when they ARE right under her nose. So, what makes you think venal traits, wherever they may be found, would or do bother her.
I'm saying why do you say she sees them in Jimmy, and yet she doesn't

Well, I disagree. It does not speak to a certain level of influence. The Kettlemans house, I mean. Not calling it or any house a mansion. A mansion does speak to a certain level of affluence. That house ain't no mansion… and you don't need to have ever lived in one to know the difference.
I lived in a rented a house

She doesn't have to be "into" the HHM douche, sexually. As the senior partner at HHM, he sets the tone. Much worse than venal traits… he commits mortal acts. Right under her pretty little, but timid, nose.

Maybe I should have said she pines after everything he represents. The prestige, the standing, the money. Howard is downright dismissive of her. I don't think he thinks she will ever be up to snuff.

If not for his more venal traits? You're kidding, right? The HHM douche is positively swimming in venal traits and mortal acts


OMG.. I so agree with everything you said. But, especially this

Really? Why not. He justified taking the bribe by calling it a retainer.
Isn't that lawyer speak for "this is just the beginning of the pain in your pocketbook"?

It is sexy. But you can tell Bob Odenkirk doesn't smoke. The cig does not look right in his hand

'Course, that "2 year plan for partner" depends on that asshole Howard keeping his "word" He has shown zero respect for Kim..he doesn't take her seriously, at all. Wonder what other promises were made? And are they anything like the promises made to Chuck?
I don't think she is as bright as she thinks she is

I don't think Jimmy is sleazy, at all. The HHM douche, what's his name Howard? He is slimy sleazy. He just dresses better. I mean, he is trying to screw Chuck out of his end of the firm.
Shame that Kim is blinded by that and his "standing".
Jimmy is a good and decent guy, staring her right in the face and all she can

She told Jimmy last night that HHM sent her to law school. She gave that as one of the reasons why she couldn't possibly leave them to work with Jimmy. The scene in the new office space

Really? Aren't you rushing things? I mean, didn't BB last 5 years but it covered basically one year in the life of Walter White?
I am in no rush for this to turn into SAUL and BB. I am truly enjoying this on its own merits. It is a fantastic show and I want spend time with Jimmy and watching the evolution to Saul.

I love him, too. The show just keeps getting better. Jimmy is adorable, funny and I think he sells himself short as do others around him. He is very clever, fast on his feet and very industrious.
My heart broke for him last night.
I find it hard to like Kim now. She doesn't deserve him. She pines after that HHM douche.

I quit with Chantix. Went into it so half assed. I didn't even really want to quit. I still, very much, enjoyed smoking. They were just getting so friggin expensive.
Anyway, my BF tried Chantix and I asked her if she got weirded out while on it.. did it make her feel funny. She said nope. Then I read a few Chantix

I find it strange that some of you think the Kettlemans house is a mansion.It's just a contemporary open concept house with a loft balcony overlooking the great room.
When Mike is in the back yard waiting for them to take the money, you can see how close that wall that he's using as a snack bar is to the house. He's