
edited/deleted for making this too personal. Apologies to any who might have seen my OP

Embrace? A bit more than embrace. And the web of denial is ridiculous… I mean, the wives, uh, I mean, beards, involved is astounding. It very much resembles incestuous relationships and looks like a crazy (crazier) sort of polygamy

Raising hand frantically…Ooh! Ooh! I know!
Cruise shoved a Mello Roll up his hole.
With nary a "What" (Oh! My) "Where" (Why there, you silly boy) or "Why" (Who cares, aim high).
Snnnooorkkkggg… now I know why he sat in the back row

There is no set timeline. This is about Jimmy and there really is no figuring it out, literally. BB took 5 years in real time to cover 1 year in Walter White's life…. also, as we've seen, this can and will move back, forth and sideways. I mean, we saw how easily it jumped back to Mike, pre BB. There is no reason to

I don't think so. We've already seen that Jimmy has a highly tuned Bull Shit detector

Jimmy McGill is NOTHING like Walter White

I don't think anything on a Vince Gilligan show is a throw away…you bet your ass we'll meet Mrs. McGill. Probably the asshole with the sunroof who was banging the missus, as well.

Never mind the odds…. 5 Bs in a row is BINGO!!

According to Peter Gould, you aren't entirely right, either. Jimmy and Chuck are not done with each other. Like Jimmy has said, he's my brother, I have to go back. He says pretty much the same, he's my brother, to Kim.
And it is Jimmy who still has tender feelings even after Chucks disgraceful betrayal.
I just think

Peter Gould has other ideas.
You're obnoxious. And, it is you who seems to be bringing aspects of your personal life and experiences into this to "prove" you alone know what you are talking about. That it is only you who can get this.

Chuck was right. There's really no other conclusion to draw. We kind of knew it already, but some didn't want to believe it

Sounds like you wanted Breaking Bad.
I don't see this as full time Slippin' Jimmy, at all. I think maybe SJ served his purpose….. but may not be needed now.
Just as Jimmy turned down the corporate life, I think he also turned a corner on Slippin' Jimmy. And, I don't think he ran, head on, into Saul Goodman round that

Oh, please. You need to believe that so that you can be right. Which, btw, you're not.
You're the one who doesn't see. Chuck showed who he was last episode.

Been awhile since I played Bingo, but didn't they fuck it up? I mean there are 5 numbers in each row. 5 b's someone should have yelled Bingo. Actually, a lot of hands in the air.
He did call 5 of them, didn't he

Well, according to Peter Gould, both he, and Gilligan say that that is, indeed, the direction for the show for now.
Not Slippin' Jimmy as much as Jimmy McGill.
I think of the character as 3 identities … Slippin' Jimmy, Sweet Jimmy McGill and Saul.
I like the Jimmy who is kind to the old ladies…I think he is the real

Gilligan has said that he does want to reward the die hard fans of BB by bringing in characters from that show. Doesn't mean that Jimmy will interact with all of them, though. He also said that they gave it a lot of thought, but came to the conclusion that Saul didn't know Gus Fring… that means neither did Jimmy.

No we don't. Mike, yes. He died. Jimmy's still breathin'.

I'm not sure that I agree with you….but it's clear that Kim does.
When Jimmy asks her why she didn't tell him what Chuck did, she said "I didn't want you to hate your brother"
Very telling that she didn't say because she knew how bad it would hurt Jimmy.
Funny thing is, if he did end up hating him, it would hurt him

Chuck will get what's coming to him. But it won't be from Jimmy. I don't know how anyone who has been watching the show can think that Jimmy would do something that shitty. Chuck does shitty. Not Jimmy.
During this whole episode,whenever Jimmy talks of him even, after what Chuck did to me, what does he say?
He 's still

Yes… and also he accuses Jimmy of being Slippin' Jimmy, never able to do anything other than lies tricks and scams…. when it is Chuck who uses deceit and trickery. Look who is really running the long con….with his own brother, Jimmy, the mark.